About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Hold That Space- WHY What You Do On Social Media Transforms Cultures

  Hold That Space!  What you do on social media will impact someone. It could prevent an argument, lift someout out of a funk OR even stop a suicidal attempt!  The average user on Facebook logs in 7,665 minutes per year! What are you doing to make a difference and to #BEMORE? Watch this video NOW!    

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Sandi Krakowski’s BIG GIVING BACK To The Small Business Owner….. please read

You have a unique opportunity to work with Sandi on YOUR marketing for 30 days & it won't cost you more than $27..... read now! This is something you don't want to miss.  I've had the honor of working with Sandi Krakowski since I was 12 years old. True story! She first taught me how to ship packages and work in the shipping department of her kitchenware store back in the 90's. I was fortunate to watch her build her very first multi-million dollar business and it's amazing, 20 years later, to work with her and to watch the work she does for our clients, today. As she was celebrating her recent book deal with a MAJOR publisher (announcement coming soon) she wanted to give back in a big way to all of the small business [...]

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The THREE KEYS To Making Everything Work On Your Social Media Pages

The THREE KEYS To Making Everything Work On Your Social Media Pages (and close sales like an automatic machine!) During the last two years I've spent nearly 85% of my working hours researching, split testing, data mining and gathering as much information about the social media world as I could. Now, I'm ready to share with you THREE KEYS that will make it easier for you to create incredible content, work less hours, add thousands of people to your social profiles every week AND make more money.   Jessica Taylor came to me two years ago frustrated that she couldn't get her direct sales business past $1000 per month. When she started using these THREE KEYS she not only cut her hours and hard work in half, SHE CREATED A SIX-FIGURE business for herself! She now makes $10,000 per month! Incredible! I [...]

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Sometimes You Just Gotta Do The Next Thing

Sometimes You Just Gotta Do The Next Thing! Are you stuck today? Feel like the wind got sucked out of your sails?  Life happens, computers crash, projects get ruined on the hard drive and if you're a business owner, you might believe you just aren’t ‘cut out’ to do this sort of thing. My advise is just get unstuck and do the next thing. When you’re faced with a life threatening situation you don’t weigh the odds to see whether or not you’d ‘like’ to live, do you? Is there an option? The same holds true for business. Especially when you feel you're called & designed with the purpose of business in your life. Life was never created to be easy, but it was designed to be lived fully. Entering our 20th year of business, [...]

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