About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

WHY Facebook Is The Top Choice For Small Business Owners

WHY Facebook Is The Top Choice For Small Business Owners Building your Facebook Page in NON-traditional direct response marketing ways requires THREE THINGS that most old-school marketers and copywriters refuse to do: 1- Relationship 2- Real Time Living & Interaction Daily 3- Regular changes to how they do their brand Most direct response marketers and copywriters simply don't want a relationship with their clients, they don't want to interact with people and they DO NOT want to change the way they do things. They love to write campaigns and send them without ever having to really #LOVEYOURCUSTOMERS. Social media demands this AND it's very easy to do for the average small business owner. MOST small business owners don't have a big marketing budget, they don't have a lot of staff and they DO NOT have the masterful skills that traditional [...]

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An Apostolic Word For October 16, 2014

An Apostolic Word For October 16, 2014: I have had a vision from the Lord and feel a responsibility to release it to you all. I see a golden staircase and a door that goes into a room in heaven were very few people have ever entered into. I see Angels standing at the top of the staircase and as people enter into the room they cover the people with faith. They're going to need faith inside of this room for inside of this room are gold mechanical structures. Like a manufacturing room with gold parts and gold circular motors and gold flywheels and gold pieces in the machine and its producing ideas and provision for the nations, the machines are producing creative insights and answers to dilemmas for the nations. I see the angels [...]

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Why A Writer, English Major, Technical Writer, Editor And Other Writers Should NEVER Be Allowed To Critique Your Copywriting!

Why A Writer, English Major, Technical Writer, Editor And Other Writers Should NEVER Be Allowed To Critique Your Copywriting! I never thought of myself as a copywriter. When I started my first store online I just wrote what I would say to people in a store, if I owned a brick and mortar business. It was natural for me. I didn't try or work hard to come up with my big idea or my four legged stool. My passion drove me and I'd just talk honestly about it. Sales came in like crazy! It was 2006 and I was sitting in a class conducted by one of the best copywriters of our generation, Herschell Gordon Lewis. At the time he was in his late seventies. At first I wondered if I could relate to him. Yes, [...]

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We Are Powerful And Called To #BEMORE

We Are Powerful And Called To #BEMORE Many people who call themselves Christians focus on one passage in the Bible where John the Baptist said that he must decrease so that Christ may increase. This becomes their mantra and their life purpose. To decrease. Ironically, the passage is when John is stepping aside and his mission was now ending. He prepared the people for the coming of the Kingdom and the mission of Jesus. The statement is about his departure and that the Messiah had come. It's time for Christ to become the radical one, the focus of John's followers. What he had been proclaiming was now here.  God never intended that we believers would decrease. Actually, it's the opposite. He desires that we would INCREASE and be more. The purpose of being more is that [...]

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