About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

The 10 Day Quote Graphic Challenge!

  In my Inner Circle Coaching group we are doing a BIG 10 Day Quote Challenge!  3 PEOPLE will win a FREE month in the Inner Circle Coaching Group! Every day, starting Monday, September 15th, I will post instructions on what kind of quote to create. I'll include your background theme, ideas for fonts and more! For 10 days, the Inner Circle members will add the quotes to their Facebook page. We will have 3 winners-  most likes, most comments and most shares! To be a part of this fun challenge, join us in the Inner Circle coaching private group on Facebook NOW! http://www.arealchange.com/innercircle   By the way, this month in Inner Circle I'm teaching, "How To Create Incredible Quote Graphics Easily"! Learn how to get more targeted followers to your Facebook Page and close more [...]

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The Psychology Of The “Like” Button And The Online Sales Cycle

  The Psychology Of The "Like" Button And The Online Sales Cycle  Why do we click "LIKE" when we see something on Facebook? Is there some form of gratification we don't realize we are wired for? As marketers, this information is very important. Years ago, if you could write scripts and copy for an infomercial that compelled people to pick up the phone and dial the toll free line, the rest was up to the operator on the other end. Hours and hours were spent training operators how to interact with the people who called. Training was given on how to identify personality types and 'speak their language' so that the sales process could begin and ultimately close with a sale. But what can a business owner do online that even compares to this infomercial [...]

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Engagement On A Facebook Page Is Driven By Three Things

  Engagement On A Facebook Page Is Driven By Three Things WHAT is it that causes my page to outpace all of the other social media experts right now who are EXCELLENT, by the way, at what they do and are making a difference? The number one thing small business owners, large multibillion dollar corporations and ministries ask me is this: "How do I increase the engagement on my page so that I can sell more products or services?" When I first started doing highly targeted advertisements through the Facebook ad manager, everyone thought that SURELY this is why my engagement is so high and so many people interact with me. Repeatedly I heard excuses like, "No one can afford your budget!" But case in point, my engagement is driven mostly by organic reach. [...]

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26 & 6 Figures- A Story Against All Odds

I never dreamed when I was living off of buttered toast as a teenager that I would be where I am today. I thought life was going to be like that forever. Minimal clothes, sometimes heat or not, it became easy to become accustomed to thinking this was all life had to offer. It wasn't until I started to break free and become my own person that I discovered there was a much bigger life out there for me than I could have ever imagined. I don't care where your bank account is right now or what you are (or aren’t) eating. It doesn't mean you will be there your whole life. You have to change your mind set in order to change your life. You have to believe God is bigger than any [...]

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