About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Quote Graphics Are A Small Business Owners “Secret Weapon” For Prospecting On Social Media

  Quote Graphics On A Facebook Page Are A "Secret Weapon" For Engagement Did you know that quote graphics are the MOST commented on, liked and shared content on all of Facebook? Every single day more than 4 BILLION people interact by clicking LIKE on the platform and more clicks and comments occur on quote graphics and photos than anything else.  Quote graphics are the small business owners 'secret weapon' for growing a page without spending any money. Here's why: If the graphic I have above is clicked, liked and shared by 25 people, it will appear on the profile page of all 25 people. That means that all of THEIR FRIENDS see my page and I didn't pay for it. It also means that their friends will instantly have an opportunity to connect [...]

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The Day God CALLED Me To The Nation Of Facebook

I had to share this with you!  Hey friends, I just want to personally thank ALL of you for your prayers for everyone on my Facebook page. We have built a powerful community! Several times per week we ask how we can pray for you. Every time we do, thousands of people post their request! On average 3-5k per day! The most exciting thing is every day we also receive posts of praise and testimonies that prayers have been answered!   I believe with my whole heart we have created a PROPHETIC VORTEX on this page. What that means is this: When someone comes onto the page, because heaven hovers over this page, they get 'sucked into' this atmosphere and INSTANTLY things change! It's not because of me or even we, it's because Jesus [...]

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My Biggest Fear For This Generation Of Youth

My Biggest Fear For This Generation Of Youth When I look at the youth of today, my heart hurts. And it's not for reasons that many of you will suspect. It's not because so many are getting into drugs, immorality, following the wrong crowd and throwing away their life. It's because very few young people today have a powerful voice speaking into their lives, blowing fresh wind from heaven onto their future. My stomach starts to hurt when I think of the creative genius youth of this generation who are turning to alternative things with their talent simply because no one cared enough to speak life and believe in them. Inside juvenile homes and prisons sits some incredibly talented young people with the wrong product and lack of leadership. Do you have any idea [...]

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The Young Entrepreneur Mentorship Opens Next Week!

A 3-Semester Mentorship With 12 Of The Best Business People Mentoring Your Students! During the last year we've asked all of you if you would like a specialized mentorship for your students. And every time we bring the topic up, there are THOUSANDS of parents and students who scream, "YES!!!!!!"  I have been behind closed doors for the last few months, reaching out to some of the best business people I know who are passionate about helping young adults succeed. We have come up with what I believe will be a HISTORIC mentorship for your children! REGISTRATION OPENS THIS WEEK! (I'm working with my team to get doors open on Tuesday, however with all the work going into this class, it might be Wednesday before the registration opens. I promise to update you!) Here is [...]

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