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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

How To Add 6-Figures To Your Business By Adding Only 5 Hours of Work!

Wouldn’t it be nice to work fewer hours while getting more done and making more profit? I want to talk to you guys today about how to increase your sales without increasing your hours. Sounds crazy, right? Business has transformed so much in the last twenty years, and therefore business owners must transform too. For those of you who don’t know, I built my very first business almost twenty-two years ago online. So I want to talk about the business world then and now, and share some ideas for how you can transform too.Twenty-two years ago, I started an online kitchen store that I grew to over 4.5 million dollars in profit by my third year. Completely self-taught. It was an eCommerce environment where we drop shipped kitchenware that was ordered online. We went [...]

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You Brain Can Change …. and it can change YOU!

 Over the past year, I have been intensely studying neuroplasticity and our brain’s ability to change itself. Recently, I watched a documentary called The Brain that Changed Itself on Amazon Prime. It’s a book too, so whether you watch it or read it, I highly recommend it. I wanted to take a few minutes to share some of what I learned with you while studying neuroplasticity and watching this film. The documentary shared a scientific study where they had one group of people learn to play the piano for five days, while they had a second group of people simply think about playing the piano for five days. And the results were shocking.  The group who actually learned to play the piano went through all the motions. For five days, they moved their hands across [...]

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Three Morning Rituals

Many of you have heard, I made my first million without any kind of business training. Really. No training, no mentor, nobody. But more important than that, it is crucial for you to understand how broken I was. I wasn’t making decisions with millions in mind; I was in survival mode, and a big part of my survival was my spirituality. That is why I am reaching out to others now as I write a book about spirituality and business and why we can’t separate the two.I soon started to realize that some of my tools of survival – and business – were very different than what people were teaching in business schools. But those unconventional tools are absolutely what shaped my career as a prominent entrepreneur, and they are absolutely what pulled me [...]

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Breaking All The Rules

Those of us who are called to do big things in the world are going to have to break the rules. You are designed to break the rules. You are designed to go against the flow. You are designed to deviate and come apart from that which is the norm. And the world needs you to do so. The world needs you to do so.Now, here's the thing. A lot of business owners and their ability to break rules got them in trouble at first. Their ability to think outside the box may have even gotten them punished when they were young or when they were just starting out in the business world. But it just takes one setback, one stumble, one slap on the wrist for thinking big that makes people start thinking [...]

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