About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

BIG Increase In Reach For Business Pages On Facebook This Week!

UPDATE ON #FACEBOOK PAGES & POSTS:  As many of you know the ENGAGEMENT MAP we created recently has brought an increase on average of 35-57% engagement for our clients who are using it. As well, this past week there has been an increase for many people on their page in reach and engagement. One reason is this: Facebook's new iPhone App now allows users to reply to other commenters with the REPLY feature.   See article in Mashable here: http://mashable.com/2014/04/18/facebook-iphone-reply-comments/ Previously this was only on the desktop version. This INCREASED the comments and shares because people LOVE to talk directly to others in the commenting stream and it in turn INCREASED our reach as a business because everyone who comments, their friends see it as well. Twitter is giving Facebook some BIG BIG competition and [...]

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Book Review: God With You At Work

  The concept of God being involved in our work is not new. As a matter of fact there was a time period when it was so natural, that a man or woman would invite God into their work, that it wasn't something pastors or business people thought to preach or teach on. It was a normal part of their everyday life. Years ago, the natural outworking of a man or woman walking in their faith at work didn't seem like such a foreign concept, as it does today. Sadly, with the separation of church and state came the separation of faith and work. We now live in a day and age where people are just now 'coming out of their closet' on these kind of topics. When I was first given the book [...]

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The New Twitter Design And How To Use Your New Space Wisely

The New Twitter Design And How To Use Your New Space Wisely The ALL NEW Twitter design is very exciting for anyone with a business!  This prime real estate should be used with the best of care so that you look professional, people can learn about you quickly and don't forget this KEY to good marketing- so customers and clients want to come back again and again. Remember these three tips for your large photo at the top: INVITING- Use a photo that is inviting. Take the time to have someone create a nice image for you. You don't have to spend a lot of money, but get one done from from Fiverr.com or another website like ODesk or ELance. Put your best face and image forward, it will make a lasting impression! WEBSITE- [...]

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Make The Thing They Want The Most Your Disclaimer: How to triple your sales online with a sneaky little trick that informercials use

  Make The Thing They Want The Most Your Disclaimer: How to triple your sales online with a sneaky little trick that informercials use By: Sandi Krakowski The radio was on as I drove down the road and then I heard the infomercial jingle begin. First music, than that interesting voice that said, "Only a select few will be chosen for this clinical trial. Please stay tuned until the end of this broadcast to see if you qualify."  Bam- my attention was stirred! I kept listening! "Studies show that as we age, many of us find it more difficult to lose weight. But scientists have recently discovered a breakthrough formula that reverses aging and accelerates metabolism without raising the heart rate or other uncomfortable side effects." "Not to uncommon, great opening," I thought.... and [...]

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