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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Faith Works, At Work. So why do people get so upset?

Why would I be offended if you asked me to pray for you? But in the same workplace if someone has an 'alternative' lifestyle and we comment on it, we'll get reprimanded or worse yet, fired? This backwards thinking has gotten so toxic people sit in fear, day in and day out, in their workplace, afraid to bring God to work. My recent article in Entrepreneur Magazine asks some hard questions. True to my "Sandi Style" I'm saying what everyone else is thinking but no one wants to talk about. Read this article in my weekly column here. I'd love your input! http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/233042 With love, Sandi Krakowski

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Simple Twitter Lesson For More Engagement

  So many people look at Twitter like it's a big wide ocean of millions of tweets and they can't figure out how to stick their head up out of the water to get noticed. Problem is, in that big vast ocean of Tweeters, the only ones hearing you are your followers. We don't need to act like our tweets are going to get lost in a big wide sea of text sized tweets. If we have 879 people following us than on average 87-95 are listening. 10-15 will talk back if you tweet on something that interests them. Best way to overcome this overwhelming fear that you'll never be heard in a big ocean of people? Realize that the only people seeing your tweets are the people who follow you. Talk to them [...]

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When it’s the darkest, trust your friends

We all have dark seasons in our life. Times when we can't seem to find the light switch to get out and we begin to coast from one day to the next. During these times it's really important to know who your friends are. In a recent private mastermind I was teaching some of my clients the difference between valid criticism someone might bring and hurtful, irresponsible opinions other people can bring. The more successful you become in business, the more opinions you will attract. Ironically, some of the darkest comments people bring will not come from those who are close to you. Sure, our loved ones, spouses and family can say hurtful things at times. Sometimes they're threatened, other times they're afraid they are going to lose us if we're successful and there [...]

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Hobby Lobby And The Government’s Desire To Silence Your Dreams

      It was an honor to receive a personal message from Steven Green, President of Hobby Lobby in response to my article that went live yesterday in my weekly column on  Entrepreneur Magazine. This is what he had to say: "The drive to be the best we can be, to grow the company, to serve our customers, to treat our employees well comes from the faith we have in God. To force us to go against the principals God teaches us to operate our business by would be devastating." Steve Green, President of Hobby Lobby. If you missed that article there were several media and news stations who reached out to me through Twitter and quite a stir got created by some of the statements I made. I think this was one of [...]

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