About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

International Happiness Day Celebration Contest Winners!!

International Happiness Day Celebration Contest Winners!! by Holly Krakowski   The response we received from our Big Giveaway Happiness Day was astounding! We are OVERJOYED with all the happiness going around! The impact our followers made yesterday was simply incredible. Think of all the happiness we spread to those who might not have had any! WOOHOO! Spreading love and joy to everyone we come in contact with is one of the goals we hold here at A Real Change. And because of you, our followers, we made a HUGE impact! We loved seeing your happiness pictures, so THANK YOU! They certainly brightened our day J Sandi has shared her Twitter stats with all of us from the Happiness Day giveaway. Engagement skyrocketed because of this spontaneous contest, and Sandi added 1.4k followers during this [...]

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Gifts & Surprises For International Happiness Day!!

Join me on Twitter TODAY!!  Post your happiest picture and tag my user @sandikrakowski Send me your best happy dance video and tag me!   We have brands joining in and we're giving away gifts, surprises and more!   I'm going to donate a brand new Retina display Apple iPad, an iPod and 2- seats to my Social Media Inner Circle!   Allen's Boots, in Austin, TX has agreed to donate a gorgeous pair of leather cowboy boots!   Kenra Haircare, my favorite hair product has agreed to pitch in a $100 gift basket of goodies!   Country Outfitter my FAVORITE STORE for pink leather boots and wild fun goodies! They have agreed to give away a $150 gift card!   JOIN THE FUN!   Find me on Twitter! If you don't use Twitter, [...]

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Wish You Had Better Clients? Start With The Woman (or Man) In The Mirror

Wish You Had Better Clients? Start With The Woman (or Man) In The Mirror “If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.” ~Les Brown It's no secret for many of us that eating healthy, drinking more water and exercising lead to a healthier more vibrant body. With the right nutrition, you can gain muscle, build a stronger immune system and have more energy to do the things you love. The truth is, health starts from the inside out. I heard someone say (probably one of those Beachbody coaches), "You can't exercise away a bad diet." Well, the same is true for your business. Though this article is not about health per se, it kind of is. Because being healthy is not just a physical thing, it's a [...]

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Twitterlogical: The Misunderstandings of Ownership

Twitterlogical: The Misunderstandings of Ownership I’m all for people being passionate about what they believe. That’s true even if I disagree. But, there’s a point where you have to ask yourself if you have the proper basis for your belief. Our systems of thought all flow from somewhere, but we really should step back and evaluate the basis of our passion a bit more objectively. This is especially true with the Internet. Clearly, many people believe that everything we do, everything we post, everything we think in the online world is somehow protected. I suppose it makes sense if you are the one doing, posting, or thinking, but it’s not realistic. Since when did the online world cease to function in reality? Simply because people break the law online doesn’t mean there is no [...]

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