About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Faith At Work, Works!

Faith At Work, Works! I'm shocked. Truly.  So many people are completely terrified to succeed. Fears wage war in their head and the enemy screams at them with threats like, "No one will ever relate to you anymore you'll be so big for your britches!" or "Who do you think you are? God looks good when you do. What an egotistical statement." Let me just jump over this bush, not beat around it, and ask you a VERY bold question. Does God look good when you struggle, hate your job, show up late, curse your boss, gossip at the lunch table and whine about how you're going to end this nightmare and start your own business? I think not. Many times the reason people hear such negative comments from friends and family is because [...]

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Hashtags Changing The Way We Watch The Super Bowl And How Social Media Is Changing Our World

Classroom Time And Super Bowl #Hashtags Ok, I confess... I love football but the REAL reason I watch the #SuperBowl is because I'm a marketer. God made me one & I learn a lot about what the marketplace wants by watching the ads at the SuperBowl. Studying customers more than I study competitors has gotten me where I am today!  If you're a small business owner #HASHTAGS will be a big part of the SuperBowl this year. Pay attention. Take notes. Classroom time!  61% of #SuperBowl Viewers Will Share Ads on Social Media Mashable says! Get a grip!!! That is A LOT of viewers!!! We used to gather around the TV to eat good food, watch good football and share a day with friends. NOW we invite millions of viewers to tweet with us [...]

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Social Media Sucking Your Life Away? How To Overcome This Challenge!

Social Media Sucking Your Life Away? How To Overcome This Challenge! Do you ever feel like a crack addict on your smart phone browsing social media 24/7 looking for some 'better' news to keep you going?  Or have you ever felt like throwing your stupid phone into the river because it won't stop ringing? During the last four years as I've had the honor of working with our 2 million clients, some big nationwide brands, Entrepreneuer Magazine, Forbes, BeliefNet and more, something keeps coming up that I had to spill the beans about today. It's not a fun topic and it could make you quite uncomfortable. But my desire and my mission is to help create success for your company and to help you enjoy your customers, through social media. Today, in my latest column [...]

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You Have No Idea WHO Is Watching You!

You Have No Idea WHO Is Watching You! As you are staying true to your passion, creating your videos, serving your clients and answering questions on social media... don't be surprised when the voice of doom comes wandering into the room and says something like, "What is all this for?" The translation of the broadcast can throw quite a damper on your light filled day if you're not careful. For Resistance knows how to bring a shadow and hides in the same. Little did you know, that on the other side of the computer, or smartphone or maybe it's a pad device is an upper level executive who is really needing your inspiration, answers and insights, but just hasn't written you yet to ask. It doesn't matter how big your Facebook page may be [...]

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