About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Can I Please Pick Your Brain?

"Hey Sandi! Can I please pick your brain?" I love helping people. I'm addicted to seeing people get results with their social media campaigns, their blog posts, their pay per click ads and their email marketing! ADDICTED. Yes. I am. It's a good addiction because it benefits others! But all kidding aside, when you have a heart and a mission to serve, what do you do when your time is running out? I am not exaggerating when I say that I get more than 100 requests per week to 'meet for 5 minutes' or 'just talk for a few' or 'I really need to share something with you' or 'If I had only 3 minutes of your time it would be life changing' on my Facebook page, Twitter feed, email, blog posts, direct messages [...]

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Going The Extra Mile And Why It’s Not Codependence

Going The Extra Mile And Why It's Not Codependence  What do you do when you know God is calling you to go the extra mile but you’re afraid of all the detours along the way? Well your iPhone GPS surely isn’t going to help. <grin> But going the extra mile and doing something no one asked you to do and being more than anyone expected you to be will not only change YOU, it will change your reputation. Our character grows when God asks us to turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, give them the coat off your back even if they wrongfully took the shoes off our feet. As I talk with more than 550,000 people every single day on social media (by the way follow me at @sandikrakowski on Twitter [...]

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Why Facebook Contests Are The Stupidest Way To Grow A Facebook Page & How You Can Attract Ideal Clients Without Pimping Them With Giveaways!

Why Facebook Contests Are The Stupidest Way To Grow A Facebook Page & How You Can Attract Ideal Clients Without Pimping Them With Giveaways!  WARNING: If you get offended when someone vents or says what they mean and means what they say, please don't read this post. Here goes. If one more so called "Facebook Marketing Expert" tells people that "Contests are the best way to grow a page fast and build your business" I am going to throw up. Literally. I'm going to vomit. It makes my stomach turn, makes me so sad and so upset that I get nauseated thinking about the hundreds of thousands of dollars and the hours upon hours that companies are spending with this kind of low-ball marketing. Can you imagine trying to gain viewership on a television show [...]

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THE FIRST EVER Private Mentoring For The Executive Virtual Assistant

    Are you looking for a career move?   If you currently work as an assistant and work outside of your home, this might be the perfect step for you.     Starting January 6, 2014  Tiffany Parson, one of our full time team members here at A Real Change, will be working exclusively with 6 people in a one on one mentorship.                       Topics will include: Servicing One Client Vs Several Clients Identifying Your Ideal Clients How To Use Systems And Tools To Improve Efficiency Marketing Your Virtual Assistant Business Building A Virtual Team How To Know You're Ready and more!   The Virtual Assistant Mentorship program is not for a beginner. This is for someone who is already skilled at doing this job and wants to start their [...]

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