About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

Where Are The Most People On Social Media & What Device Are They Using?

Episode #83: Where Are The Most People On Social Media & What Device Are They Using? WHY you shouldn't listen to people telling you Facebook is fading, Google+ is now dominating and Pinterest is the big leader in the social media game!  STOP LISTENING to what everyone is surmising and let's LOOK at the data! You'll be SHOCKED at what it says. I am ALSO going to give you some incredible data that shows people could CARE LESS about ads because more than 82% on social media don't even NOTICE the ads! WHAT?!?  Look at the data with me.... a clip from my "Social Media GPS Summit" last weekend. Watch now!  

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“Ask Me ANYTHING About Social Media Live Call With Sandi Krakowski”

"Ask Me ANYTHING About Social Media Live Call With Sandi Krakowski" At my GPS Virtual Summit last weekend we decided to have a LIVE call tomorrow night, Monday, November 4, 2013 at 7:00 pm ET for all attendees. But when I got the final MP3's and the videos back to review, it became quickly obvious to me that we need to make this live call available for EVERYONE! The videos and MP3's will be given to all attendees who paid for them later this week, which is 4 WEEKS ahead of schedule! They are BluRay quality and will be an incredible addition to your library.   Tomorrow night, I'm taking YOUR questions about social media LIVE! From 7:00-8:00 pm ET.  I look forward to being with you! Invite your friends!  EVERYONE is invited!   [...]

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Look For Ways To Make Things Better…

Look For Ways To Make Things Better... There's always a way to turn things around. A Champion looks for ways to make things better, NOT reasons why they will stay stuck! You see, life has a way of shocking us and we never know what we could be until we decide to start BEING more. I remember when I was so sick, so sad and in so much pain, every single day. Day after day. The pain in my bones, in my heart, the sicknesses I was fighting, all the mistakes I had made. Trying so hard to live up to the expectations of people my entire life finally took it's toll. And I also remember the day a thought came to me.... "Look for ways to make things better..." Trust me, it wasn't [...]

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Twitter Ads Increase Targeting Options

Twitter Ads Increase Targeting Options Many of you saw me show on my screen at our recent Social Media GPS Summit that Facebook is RULING the social media realm with 89% of all traffic on smartphones and 90% of all traffic on computers in the USA.  Twitter is the strongest in second place at 28% and 24.5% in the USA.  So it only makes sense that Twitter would begin to UP their game when it comes to growth, targetting and what they offer to their marketers. As I was recently working on some campaigns for the big brands we service, I noticed that Twitter is changing their targeting options on a weekly basis! TAKE NOTE: They've changed things so drastically that some of the information I was able to glean was very helpful for [...]

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