About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

How To Use The Social Media GPS Affiliate Program (and Just Say NO To Pimping)

How To Use The Social Media GPS Affiliate Program (and Just Say NO To Pimping) with Jeremy Krakowski, A Real Change Media Director & Affiliate Manager [vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/199402290/29b32e26fe" align="center"]   We launched the A Real Change Social Media GPS Affiliate program a few weeks ago and already have over 250 affiliates registered and promoting our event! But before I really share anymore about that I want to cover a few things (and that's what this video is for). At A Real Change, we don't ever want to become an "Affiliate Farm", and what that means is we don't want our profits coming from people "pimping out" our products. What this means is, having 100s of affiliates just pitching back and forth our products to get thier products and offering deals and a "ill scratch [...]

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Social Media Managers May SOON Be Out Of Business

Social Media Managers May SOON Be Out Of Business I've noticed recent articles showing up by some social media gurus and managers saying that job opportunities for social media managers is dwindling. What does this mean?  Does it mean that large corporatations are now hiring In-House people to manage their social media platforms? Many of the social media 'managers' out there don't know what they're doing. Yes, I realize that is a very generalized radical statement. But the truth of the matter is this- they are marketing themselves and their brand AS IF they can manage your platform and increase your profits when many of these people are broke and do not know how to do marketing. Sure, there are some who are really good at what they do. They can't keep up. They're [...]

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Why Facebook’s Mobile Platform Will Drive The Company’s Future In 2014

Facebook's Mobile Platform Will Drive The Company's Future In 2014 More Than EVER Before Apple is about to release the new iPad. More than 9 million iPhones sold in first weekend of iPhone 5s release! Mobile is steering the future of not only internet usages and sales, but social media is completely being driven by the mobile world's activity. It is my belief that Facebook's mobile platform will drive the company's future in 2014 MORE than it has ever done before in their entire history. And we'll see a HUGE push for more tools on the mobile platform as well. In 2011 CTO Bret Taylor stated that "MOBILE IS THE PRIMARY FOCUS  FOR OUR PLATFORM." Into 2012 we began to see the company steer to an ENTIRELY app-driven platform. Today, Facebook makes more than [...]

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85,000 PEOPLE IN 10 WEEKS! Sales converting! Clients engaging! Business Growing!

  85,000 PEOPLE IN 10 WEEKS! Sales converting! Clients engaging! Business Growing!   Let me ask you a personal question. HOW URGENT is it that you get in front of a lot of people so they can hear your message, get your services, receive your products so YOU as a small business owner or a corporation can create a real change?!   If the answer is NOW, keep reading!   It is my belief that in the next 12-24 months we will see the largest move of business in the tech, mobile and social media realm the world has ever seen.   I bring to this statement my many years in business, my 18 years online, my past history, track record and insights that have proven to be true. It's not my intention to [...]

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