About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

76% Increase On My Post Reach With Facebook’s New Algorithm Changes!

      Grab your coffee and let's have a morning chat! Things are kicking up SO fast and changing so much every single day, I don't want you to miss a thing!   In the last 7 days alone we've had a 76.9% INCREASE in the reach on our Facebook page. My Twitter page has added more than 7000 CONVERTING and cash producing followers in the last week! But that's not the biggest reason for excitement.   Many of you don't realize that the SHIFT we're seeing in the mobile marketing culture will not only make it EASIER to use social media for any business, any author, musician, ministry, you name it..... but it is also making it the BEST platform to ever hit the internet for one big reason:   No where [...]

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What Does Sandi Krakowski Look For When She Invests Into A Start Up?

What Does Sandi Krakowski Look For When She Invests Into A Start Up?  And... More Of "Your Questions" Answered About Social Media, Marketing, Business & More Find out on this episode what Sandi actually invests into when she is looking at start ups, beginning business owners and more. On today's episode we have more of your questions being answered. What should you do if you work with a manager and they've done you harm? How can you build a business with massive debt and no way out? What does Sandi look for when she decides whether to invest into a start up or not?  (BTW word out on the streets is that Sandi is looking to invest into 10 startups in the next 12 months!) Is a non profit different than building a business [...]

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Word For Today- October 14, 2013

When you start to feel disconnected from God, just tell Him. "God I feel so far from you, please come near to me" He will. I promise. Press in... part of your assignment is to hold a space where heaven can rule and reign, through and around you. This takes work. Its not a work to prove that God loves you, that you've earned His love. No, that all comes through Jesus. We earn the FULL love of God through Jesus. But if we want to be the powerful mighty people of God we've been called to be we must PRESS IN. It is a battle. It is a war. Don't be so surprised! Don't be so weary!  Say it, "God I feel so disconnected from you. I'm sitting here and I need you [...]

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Your Questions About Business Answered!

Your Questions About Business Answered! On today's episode of A Real Change TV I'm answering some of the questions YOU sent to me through my Facebook page. This is going to be like a "Mini-Mastermind" of business wisdom for any business, non profit, author and more to glean from. In today's episode I'll share topics such as: What to do when you first start out What are the pieces you must have in place, ready to go with a business How a non-profit can increase donations and not feel slimey like a sales person Launching a book as a new author What is going on in Kansas City, MO that you should pay attention to ....and more! Grab a pen and paper and let's get started!

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