About Sandi Krakowski

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So far Sandi Krakowski has created 949 blog entries.

BE MORE than you thought you’d ever be

  BE MORE than you thought you'd ever be   Let me say this as gently & as lovingly as I can. But I must say it POWERFULLY! Ready? ..... Get OUT of your own way. I have spent more than three quarters of my life getting in my own way. The excuses I came up with. The trauma I’ve been through so this is why I couldn’t be all that God had intended for me to be. The people who have held me back, lied about me, hurt me. The list was going on and on and on. I realized one day it was all a conspiracy. My lesser self was strategizing against my greater self and seeking to stop me. Some might call it my weakness. Others my sin nature. I don’t [...]

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What Does Color Mean to Your Blog? Why You Should Care

What Does Color Mean to Your Blog? Why You Should Care by Jeremy Krakowski I wrote an article for the Emerald Newsletter this month, http://www.arealchange.com/emerald, and it was so well received that Sandi asked me to give a few of the nuggets that I shared in that article with our main blog! I’m so excited to share this topic with you today as it’s something that I am passionate about, but first some background on myself and what I do here at A Real Change International, Inc. My name is Jeremy Krakowski and I am the Media Director for A Real Change, which means I'm in charge of the graphics, audio, video, and other aspects of design for the company (with respect to what works and what Sandi wants done). I am very passionate [...]

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ARealChange.TV Episode #77- A Special Episode With Lolita

ARealChange.TV Episode #77- A Special Episode With Lolita On today's episode we have a VERY special treat for you! Many of you will remember it was exactly one year ago today when I first introduced my twin sister, Lolita to you! Well, a lot has happened with her since then and today she is BAAACCCKKK sharing her brilliance, beauty and building business tips for big brands! Grab a pen and paper (and be sure you're not drinking anything while watching this video) and let's get started! Here's Lolita!

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    With tears in my eyes and a heart filled with so much gratitude overflowing, my team and I are looking for some way to say "Thank you!" to all of you!   Last night, at approximately 6:00 pm ET we hit a BIG goal here at A Real Change! 250,000 people on our Facebook page!   It has been my honor to grow big companies before, in a very short period of time, but nothing like we've seen in the last 4 years at A Real Change International, Inc.    Thank you so much! From the bottom of my heart!   Your businesses mean the world to me! My team meets every week doing everything we can to come up with creative ways to impact more lives, create greater results and help [...]

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