Daniel in the Bible

The Average Church Could Not Handle A Move Of God To The Elite

Pondering…. I don't think the average believer or the average Christian community could handle this.

If God promoted someone & the king they had the honor to serve lavished upon them a brand new car, big castle like house & other luxuries… The average church would accuse and ridicule and rebuke said person and call them greedy or say they had an ulterior motive. While all the while the king is showing gratitude to the servant of The Lord; he is showing kindness & has a deep respect for Daniel.

If God honors you to love & speak life into someone who is the elite of the world, remember Daniel please & honor that person. Receive their gifts. Stay pure & true to God but please be on guard for the false accusing religious spirit that won't like it. People will not be able to relate to you anymore.

You will need to get your strength & courage from God alone. But don't make yourself small, refuse the gifts or reject the palace God wants you in!


Let me go one step further… I don't think the world could handle it either! You'd be written up in Huffington Post and interviewed on Fox News, being judged.

There are deep lessons that the Father wants to teach us so that we can transform cultures, change history and be used of Him but we must get past our need of 'fitting in' and ' being accepted ' by man.

It's lonely. It's hard. But obey GOD!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski
