50% off!

There's NEVER Been A Better Time To Get SERIOUS About Your Business! The Kids Are Back In School…. Let's Do This!

During the last 5 years it has been my absolute honor to help hundreds of thousands of small business owners succeed with our classes, mentorships, events and more. Through all of these years there is ONE time I have found in the calendar year that seems to be the IDEAL time to really get serious about your business- when the kids go back to school!

I know this sounds like a great sales campaign, and to be honest, if I had dreamed it up, I don't think I could have come up with something like this. But year after year, I've seen it over and over again. When the kids go back to school, the hours in the day open up and Moms and Dads have more time on their hands, and I've seen it over and over again! More people PROPEL their own small or home business forward faster than any other time of year! It's NOW!

We here at A Real Change want to help you! During the next 7 days, the follow BEST selling products that have literally made small business history online, are now 50% off!

Let's do this together! I'll meet you on the following video classes and help you, step by step, to succeed and create the life of your dreams!

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski











The following classes are on sale for 50% off for the next 7 days!


The $10 Per Day Facebook Ad Solution Reg. $77 – NOW $38.50 


Product Release Strategy Reg. $77 – NOW $38.50 


Facebook Marketing For Beginners Reg. $47- NOW $23.50


Twitter For Business- In 20 Minutes Per Day! Reg. $77 – NOW $38.50 


Career Mapping Reg. $37 – NOW $18.50 


Brain Training Reg. $37 – NOW $18.50


Writing As A Career Reg. $47- NOW $23.50 


Coaching As A Business Reg. $47- NOW $23.50 


PPC1 Reg. $147- NOW $73.50


PPC2 Reg. $97- NOW $48.50
