I was working with my two teenagers in our home school. We’ve been home schooling for 17 years now… have graduated one son and have two to go.
These two struggle more than usual with spelling and some other things related to writing and grammar. I do NOT hold to the traditional educational rule that this is NORMAL for boys and it is NORMAL for kids in general. I have a real hard time with the so-called accepted rule that today’s kids can’t read or write because of video games. Some maybe, but not most.
I have another son who followed the rule I am going to share with you NATURALLY and now is very successful at the age of 20 in a business most would die for but would never be able to do if they had stupid rules and a teacher who saw fit to only create a duplicate of themselves with, rather than to groom him for success.
I believe I stumbled across something that will impact my boys future and hopefully, someone reading this. When I was correcting my boys spelling assignment ( we are doing drills for Jr High students to quiz their spelling skills) I got frustrated and I said to them in exasperation, “I just don’t get why you don’t get this! I didn’t have all these stupid rules to follow when I was spelling and reading and honestly I don’t have much trouble with more than 95% of the words I have to read or write. So what is up with this?” Then God gave me a word:
“They have been trained to be stupid with rules.”
The Bible says that the strength of sin is in the law.
I have accessed the test scores of most high school kids these days and it gives the ‘impression’ that these kids can’t read. Something else needs to be taken into consideration:
They are not taught phonics
They are not taught to think
They are taught to memorize rather than process
They are taught to stuff their brains rather than use them
So I asked my boys to do me a favor. I said, “Go back to this list and check it again- only this time IGNORE the stupid rules and follow your gut.”
They came back with 100% of the answers right.
Then I began to think about my own business skills. Most of what I do that comes out really really well comes thru the BLINK principle: Follow my first thought, intuition – and give myself plenty of room to fail. In most of the areas of my life that I am excellent at something in- this holds true.
I began to ask my boys, “The things that you are really good at- Justin your bow hunting and target practice. Bobby your drums- do you follow your gut or a set of rules?” They both said their gut.
We are going to go thru Malcolm Smith’s BLINK book together starting tomorrow. I am teaching my boys to THINK and use their brain. I am teaching them to BE who they were designed to be- boys who learn from a God who is interested in their future.
Supernatural homeschooling at it’s finest!
Why would I ever want to train them any other way?