Screen Shot 2013 10 19 at 4.01.28 PM HOW To Deal With Resistance In Your Life From Someone Who Lost 100 Pounds!

Episode #81: HOW To Deal With Resistance In Your Life From Someone Who Lost 100 Pounds!

When we set out to create a better life for ourselves, we WILL encounter resistance. There is no way around it.  Trouble will come, challenges will rise and you might even encounter total overwhelm or confusion! So HOW do we deal with this?

Today's episode is from my amazing son, Jeremy Krakowski, who is also our Head Media Director here at A Real Change International, Inc.  He has had an incredible journey in the last 17 months losing 100 pounds! So what does that have to do with business? EVERYTHING!

The resistance that he encountered setting aside bad habits, relocating, forgiving horrible situations of his past, releasing people who wronged him, talked about him, hurt him….. walking past the opinions of others, stepping into the design of God, increasing his income, losing weight, changing how he thinks… it ALL relates to business!

I think you'll really love this episode! It's from the heart, so grab some tissues with that note paper. Let's watch NOW!


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Hell Freezes Over, Google Fiber, Facebook Ads on Google, InstaGram Videos On TV & My Predictions For 2014

by Sandi October 19, 2013 Blog

Hell Freezes Over, Google Fiber, Facebook Ads on Google, InstaGram Videos On TV! My Predictions For 2014 People ask me all the time what my predictions are for the internet space and business. I've been here long enough to start seeing trends, things predicably going in a way that good business would go. Let me [...]

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Word For Today- October 14, 2013

by Sandi October 4, 2013 Blog

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