Building A Business Is Not A Fantasy

By: Sandi Krakowski

The email came in through Facebook. Not unlike others I've seen before, it didn't surprise me, but it did trigger something big in me.

The question was, "Sandi, can you just give me a few tips on how to really make money in my business? I am on the verge of bankruptcy and really need to do something fast."

Typically my assistant, Amity, will answer such inquiries and encourage people to go through as much of our free training as they possibly can and she'll tell them that Sandi reads all of the emails that come in. I did read the email. And because I take it so seriously the requests that come in to our company I'm answering this email for more than 73,000 others to see.

Let's examine the question, "Can you give me a few tips to really make money in my business."  and then the second one, "I need to do something fast."

Because my heart is to serve and not sell, and we here at A Real Change Int'l are long term business thinkers, our normal mode of operation is to not sugar coat or soften reality. Here it is.

Just a few tips isn't going to make anyone money in business. Equally, getting into financial trouble near bankruptcy doesn't happen overnight and a few tips to make money isn't going to fix the situation fast. But there are a few things I can suggest to help.

First thing is, let's switch the mindset of what it takes to help our business succeed. Do you know what it really takes? Or are you still buying into all the 'good sales copy' that is catering to the Business Opportunity Seeker who wants an "Easy Button" and not a solution.

While I do live the notion that there are never problems, only solutions, this reveals a big problem that demands a solution of long term proportions. 

The impoverished mindset that so many people live in today has created a huge problem in our society. Lotteries are the plan for financial security and retirement for more than 50% of our world. Get rich quick plans are the solution for years of poor spending and decision making for even more. And when it 'doesn't go or work' like we wanted it to work, there's plenty of support for the sad messes we've gotten ourselves into.

Please know that my heart breaks when I hear these kind of statistics! As someone who was in debt from the time I was 17 years old until I was 42, I'm not ignorant of what causes that and how to get away from it. But getting a few tips and acting quickly is NOT what helped us to pay off all of our debt and go onto build an enormous business again. Let me share with you what did:

1. Awareness- we have to come to the place where we are aware of who we are, what we know and what we can do. If we have never built a business before the likelihood that we'll be able to build one overnight that can get us out of our troubles is very slim. Frankly, that's a fantasy. It's been said that, "he who chases fantasies has poverty waiting for him." By being aware that we have to do things differently, humble ourselves, learn and take action- we can arrive at our goals more quickly.

Awareness also means we have to be honest with ourselves about the things that we are good at and the things that we are not good at. No one will create a long term profitable business doing things they are not good at. So we must be very honest with where our current skill set it.

Awareness then leads to a critical key in business growth, and that is belief.

2. Belief- our beliefs are controlling 90% or more of our financial situation. When someone believes that just a few tips from a millionaire could create enormous financially success and profitability this reveals the same person believes that millionaires become successful by doing super easy things they just don't know about yet.

This couldn't be further from the truth. Frankly, an impoverished mindset will cause one to believe that everyone else has it easy while 'we' always struggle. A lack mindset believes that millionaires either steal, lie, or have things handed to them so in order to be successful they need an 'inside dig' too and have to do the same thing.

To believe you can 'throw something up online' and in turn be successful is a false belief. It is responsible for creating a destruction of finances, not an increase in cash. Equally, to believe that some people can create things 'really easily' without specific skill or experience leads to delusion. A strong delusion at that.

This leads to a third component of success online built apart from a fantasy, and that would be skill.

3. Skill- the marketplace will pay you for your current value. The skill that you bring to the marketplace will dictate that value. If we look at what we currently earn, this is showing us our current value. If you believe you have a skill that the marketplace needs and your value is more than you currently earn, than your goal should be to market your product or skill to increase your current income.

As you can see this doesn't come with just one tip or working fast. It comes through acquiring a certain skill set or product and exchanging that for payment. This is what commerce is- it's the exchange of one valued thing for another, money.

How do you increase your value?

Get training and activate that training. Training alone will not increase your value. Taking action on that training and creating a result will. This is why taking action over and over again is so critical if you want to continually increase your value.

People have told me they have all the right 'ingredients' for success (according to their beliefs and understanding) and that all they need to learn is how to monetize it and the cash will come. Not necessarily so. If the ingredients are not what is in demand, or the marketplace has no interest in what one is marketing, despite the CEO's belief that this is the 'next big thing' it won't produce a profit.

So, rather than seeking out a 'tip' or something you can 'do quickly' when desiring to build a big business, remember these three keys:




You'll be quickly on your road to success! Here's a millionaire tip for you– these are the same keys you'll need when you're making millions to keep it and increase your results!

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Sandi Krakowski    is a "Back To Basics Step By Step Business" expert who currently serves more than 69,000 clients in over 106 countries. Her systems help the average business owner as well as big corporations get extra-ordinary results quickly. She has a track record for her 'bringing it into action' processes that company owners find easy to implement with quick results. She has been working online successfully for the last 14 years.