Building A Community Through Business

By: Sandi Krakowski

Community, where people support one another, don't tear each other down, help each other to be the best that they can be. This is my vision for business.

It's been said that you should never be afraid to lose a customer because you'll still have tens of thousands of fans who love you. Those who stay are those you should be working with. This past week we discovered again what a rich, amazingly kind and supportive community A Real Change has become!

This past week my 15 year old son Bobby and I spent the week in the hospital.

The day I got home from our Dallas live event he was still sick from what we thought was strep throat. Typically teens bounce back fast, Dad had taken good care of him…. but I could tell that night he was not ok. This would progress into full blown mono, Epstein Barr sores all over his mouth (more than 200!) and a really high fever. Needless to say he ended up hospitalized, didn't eat for 9 days, had very little appetite for 2 weeks.

Today I'm here to report he has eaten three times today! The sores are nearly gone and he was jogging a bit with his IV pole down the hospital hallway! Doctor says we'll most likely be going home on Friday, just in time for Christmas! Thank you GOD! 🙂

But the most amazing thing I'd like to share with you today is the outpouring of support, prayers, good wishes and love sent our way during this entire time. Our clients contacted us through email, mail and social media to send their love and support at a very critical time in our lives.

Every day I could log onto Facebook or Twitter and see a kind word, someone expressing their love and well wishes to us. It became a very big 'love line of strength' for me every single day.  If we were up at 1 am or 12 noon there was always someone there to encourage and uplift.

This got me thinking of how important it is to do more than just 'build a list' or 'try to make money' online.  It reminded me that you can't do this kind of community building without fully pouring yourself into what you do in business. Lastly, it reminded me that this group of people were like family and they would do anything for us.

What kind of business do you want to build?

In our company we have a no-tolerant code for negativity, accusation and harsh remarks. Because we desire to be professionals, being right is not always the pursuit, but being connected and working towards a common goal is what we shoot for. We also teach this to our clients.

Sadly, in many homes, companies, neighborhoods and nations, community is overtaken by fake relationships and no closeness. Pride and ego abound, someone always having to be right rises to the top and the love that our world so desperately needs is not found.

What you put out comes back to you, doesn't it?

When someone tells me that they are working hard and nothing is happening I always encourage them to not give up. To take their time and give themselves some grace. Because what we put out there really does come back to us. Sometimes you just have to wait a little longer.

If you want to have patience, kindness and gentleness in business with your clients and staff, be sure as the CEO this too is what you are putting out to the world.

Community is a key component to the success we've seen this year. With more than 79,000 clients they also have a 'no toleration' zone for negativity, hurtfulness and harsh remarks. (Like breeds like, see that? What we do in our company is spreading into our community!) 

You'll see people connecting, supporting and loving each other on our social media pages and in our facebook groups. People giving kindness, patience, gentleness and ….. community!

It's a beautiful thing when you see such a 'revolution' taking place- a restructuring of typical paths and patterns.

From my heart I want to say "Thank you" so much for being so kind to us, for loving us and for walking with us this week!

We love and appreciate you!

Sandi Krakowski, Bobby & the entire Krakowski 


If you'd like daily 'nuggets' for your business-  Join me on my Facebook Group and share your thoughts on this topic- Sandi's Facebook P age

small Creating A Revolution And A Revival In Business


Sandi Krakowski     is a "Back To Basics Step By Step Business" expert who currently serves more than 79,000 clients in over 106 countries. Her systems help the average business owner as well as big corporations get extra-ordinary results quickly. She has a track record for her 'bringing it into action' processes that company owners find easy to implement with quick results. She has been working online successfully for the last 14 years.




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This is the step by step plan to follow:

#1- WordPress– Go through our free 7-part video series. Once you complete this, move onto the WordPress For the Business Owner Course. You'll learn Keyword Research, how to create widgets, install videos, do headlines, change fonts, create landing pages, sales pages and your opt in form. Everything to get your site up and running!

#2- Web Copy Coaching- Your next step would be a copywriting course that will make it easy for you to write good copy that converts the sale, builds rapport and helps you connect well.

#3- Email Marketing- Then, you want to build a list and keep in contact with your clients. The Email Marketing course will make that really easy to learn and will also give great tips for writing conversational emails that people love to read.

#4- Auto Responder Course- Finally, you'll want auto responders that people can read but never know they were written months ago. Emails that work like magic to keep your clients moving towards their next step. This is a critical skill in your online success.

Where Is Sandi In 2011

Will we see you?  
Jan 2011– Beginning our "2011 Your Best Business" Coaching Program

Feb 2011 – Social Media Marketing Webinar For All- TBA

March 2011  TBA

April 2011 TBA

May 2011 – Rubies & Diamonds Private Mastermind

June 2011- "Social Media Marketing For Bigger Profits LIVE EVENT!!" This is Sandi's next LIVE event and will be her biggest one yet with special guests who are AMAZING experts in their field of Social Media! Stay tuned for more details!  Location and exact date will be released in Jan 2011.