Last night we did something we haven't done in over 10 years! We put an offer in on a new home.

Just four years ago my husband's job ended at General Motors. He had been there for 18 years. Even though my companies had been hugely successful, this was devastating to my man.

After putting applications in all over Michigan, spending more than 10 months searching, applying and praying, we made the decision to move out of state. To some this might seem devastating, to us it proved to be the best decision of our married lives.

After asking God to open doors outside of Michigan (and after laughing at ourselves for taking so long to get to that place, of moving outside of that state) he had 7 job offers come in during a weeks time.  Traveling to Wisconsin, Indiana and a few other states for interviews, he finally took the job in Indiana.

I'll never forget when he said we'd be moving to some place called Goshen, IN. All I saw on Google about this place was Amish buggies and RV's. My husband had a job offer in the RV industry. Being an engineer, he was excited because the only other thing he'd been working on was cars and trucks.  So, we packed up our belongings, sold our home for dirt cheap and set off to our new life in Indiana.

In our decision making we decided to rent a home, rather than put our tent pegs down deep. With the market crashing, we also figured it would be a wise move to not buy just yet. This decision proved to be a very good one. In the homes we've rented in the last 4 years, all have lost enormous value and we would have been protected from losing on our investment.

Long story short, in the last 4 years in Indiana my husband also lost another job. The RV industry crashed and burned. He had to pick himself back up yet again and set foot to a new job. Fortunately  it was still in this area and it was something he loved. He now works on big trucks, still as an engineer. But through all of these changes, his wage has nearly cut in half. Some of you can relate. It is devastating to a man to deal with that, after all his hard work in college, being faithful in the workplace and keeping his head up through it all.

During this entire time, as you've heard, my companies exploded. Building several businesses myself, running a 7 figure freelance marketing and copywriting business, I've been thriving while he has struggled. Then, we started a new company one year ago. And it's been crazy to see what that decision would prove to bring forth.We grew to over 65,000 clients in under 7 months this past year, did just under 7 figures in sales and have been busting at the seams, hiring new people nearly every few months! Recently, we made the decision as a family, to bring Daddy home to be my COO, Chief Operations Officer. This will take place in early 2011.

And…… we're finally settling down, buying a home and putting our tent pegs in. Some of you have seen the house we're looking at on Facebook. It's modest but beautiful. It's also $ 150,000 LESS than it was 4 years ago.Thank you GOD!

Have you pursued a college degree as your means of being financially secure and set for life?  My story might be an inspiration to you and it could also be an irritation to you. Because you see, my husband has a degree, was faithful in the marketplace and has lost quite a lot of security along the way. His job didn't provide the security we had planned and ironically, I am the one without formal college training and it is my company that is growing by leaps and bounds.

Security is only as strong as you make it. You, my friends, are the only ones who can provide security for yourself. What you do with your time, your skill and what you invest into will prove either secure…. or insecure.

Tomorrow night, November 4, 2010 I'll be sharing a little bit about a new program we're putting together. It has been referred to by some as the "A Real Change College For Explosive Growth."  I don't know about that, but I do know this, if you are serious about changing your future and are ready to stop depending on others for your financial security, I'm ready to work with you for 52 weeks to get there!

No matter what level you are at, beginner- million dollar business owner, there is something for you.  I'm committed to your future, now the ball is in your court, it's time for you and your family to decide what you will do.

Join me for an Exclusive Preview Call as we talk about the "Your Best Business In 2011 Coaching Program". 

This 52-week mentoring program is available at all levels, but will sell out some levels by Friday morning!  If you are serious about business in 2011 and would love access to all of Sandi's digital classes at no cost, be on this call for all of the details! 

While I can't promise you a bed of roses, a guaranteed job or even an income, I can promise you this. I'll commit to working with you for 52 weeks, along with an exclusive group of people, moving forward in a way you've never done before. Step-by-Step, week by week, mastering the skills it takes to run a profitable and thriving business online.

My 14 years of experience, hard work and even blood, sweat and tears can help you get there!  Along with a select group of others who will encourage, uplift and help you along the way.

I hope to hear you on the line tomorrow night. More importantly, I hope to work with you personally, in 2011 to get you to your destiny!

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

P.S. Even if you aren't sure what to do, take one hour out of your day to see what we have to offer. Who knows, it could prove to be the most important hour of your entire year.  

Everyday we share insights, strategies and even some of our biggest secrets to business on our Facebook page!  Join the fun and connect with like-minded business owners EVERY single day!  Click here and "Like" Sandi's page NOW!