Business plans and brainstorming can be good for your business but it could also be your BIGGEST problem!

MaryEllen Tribby of had this to say:

"Great video – solid thinking and execution."

Do you find yourself more excited about your latest greatest plan than you ever do crossing the finish line?

Are you the kind of person who just LIVES for a brainstorming session, it's the highlight of your week- but you just don't seem to ever implement everything you were excited about?

Maybe your the person who lives for lists- you just love having everything all laid out and checking things off as you go. But what if your business plan is not working, your customers do NOT get your message and you can't stand not completing a list?! What do you do?

This video received so much attention and comments on Facebook I thought it would be great to share it here. Leave a comment, I'd really love to hear your input!

Referenced in the video:  The Inner Circle