Call Security! We've had a breakin! Protecting your business, website and more online
By: Sandi Krakowski
Right now, pay attention. I have some CRITICAL news you don't want to miss.
How secure is your business?
Are you treating it like the BIG asset it is?
Listen, if you haven't made any money yet in your business that doesn't mean a thing.. many of you, if I were to be given access to what you have….the offer, website and more, there's no doubt I could play in 'your playground' for just 60-90 days and we could flip it into a 6-figure deal, no problem. Just because you haven't made any money with your idea or business does NOT mean that it's not valuable. So quit leaving your side door open!
Take out a pen and paper right now and jot down everyone you've given access to your accounts. Be sure you double check this. Now we're going to go through a few online checks to make sure someone isn't spying on you without you knowing it.
Facebook- Do you have your privacy settings set so that if someone logs into your account they have to enter an access code? You should. Go into Account Settings. Check under Linked accounts. Be sure that the ONLY people linked to your account are those who need that access. Remove all others.
Check your access logs.
Then, click on security. Login notifications should be enabled. Login approvals should be REQUIRED. Make sure you check the recognized devices. Do you know who these are? If not, remove and delete!
Be sure that even if someone is amazing to work with and does amazing work, you are very careful WHO starts editing your WordPress site and your social media accounts. Just because someone is endorsed by a magazine doesn't mean they were put through the integrity scale. I recently had a client share with me how someone on the Forbes List had created a MESS with their WordPress site, graphics and more! Costing them $ 3800 in damages. My first advice to this 7-figure very successful business owner? CHANGE YOUR LOCKS.
You need to do this too.
Be sure that your Hootsuite accounts aren't being accessed by someone. Check your team members under each setting for who is accessing your social media channels.
Go into Twitter and pay attention to what Apps are connected to your Twitter account.
Check your Gmail, Google Analytics and Google Plus. Please, change the locks and do it frequently. Even if it seems like a big ole pain in your backside to have to notify all of your staff every single month because things have been changed, do it anyways. It will be worth it.
Change your passwords every month. Change your email, Facebook accounts, Twitter, Blog and anything else valuable to you. Don't forget Google Apps, Google Docs, Calendars and more.
Now listen, I'm not telling you to be paranoid, I'm encouraging you to back things up and be sure your assets are locked up!
You wouldn't leave your front door open and invite the local prisoners to come have dinner, neither should you keep using the same passwords for six years and think it's not going to be a problem. Your business is an asset, it is worth a lot of money, even if you aren't currently generating any with it yet. Your passion is going to be profitable, set yourself up to receive that!
Security is your goal, and being wise with what you have. He who is faithful with little will be made RULER over much! Now be faithful and guard your assets!
I believe in you!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski