ARealChange.TV: Episode #34- Your Belief + Your Data = Big $$$

ARealChange.TV Episode #34 Your Belief + Your Data = Big $$$ Watch today's episode as I share with you one of my millionaire clients and her big breakthrough we had this week. ; Some of you believe that as soon as you are making $200,000 per month in your business, things are just a smooth breeze. Certainly, creating sales does get a lot easier, but there's a place in business that whether you're making $5,000 per year or $5,000 per day it is all the same. The belief you have about your business and the belief you have IN your business will always affect your profits no matter where you are. When you start making millions of dollars, it's critical that you always keep your 'head out of water' just as the beginner does [...]

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A New Economy Online: Content Marketing & Customer Relationships

A New Economy Online: Content Marketing & Customer Relationships By: Sandi Krakowski   “Just build a huge list of followers on Facebook and you’ll be all set!” “Get as many followers as you can on Twitter and you’ll be rich!” “Build rapport with as many people as possible and then sell to them anything you want!” Have you heard some of these statements from some of the ‘over-night’ wonders out there? You know, the guru who started 7 months ago, made a million dollars and now talks about all the millionaires and billionaires they are meeting with daily? Makes me upset... that "Momma Bear" thing in me rises. First of all, anyone who made a million dollars super fast and has never done it before is most likely going to burn through it faster [...]

By |Auto Responders, Blog, Book, Classes, Coaching, Coaching, Email Marketing, List Building, Marketing Points, Offline Marketing, PPC, SEO, Social Media, Wordpress|Comments Off on A New Economy Online: Content Marketing & Customer Relationships

3 Easy Steps For Monetizing Your Blog, Increasing Sales & Never Feeling Pushy Or Salesy!

 3 Easy Steps For Monetizing Your Blog, Increasing Sales & Never Feeling Pushy Or Salesy! You can STOP bothering people, intruding in their day and feeling like no one wants to listen to you! In today's ARealChange.TV episode I'm going to show you how to build long lasting relationships with your customers the easy, fun way! When marketing through your blog, Facebook or Twitter it's important that you know what to say and what NOT to say! Believe or not, there is a "Best Practices" code that if you follow, you will make more money, quickly. Let me teach you how to speak to your ideal client, have a great time doing so and the best part is... you'll never feel pushy or salesy! Build strong lasting relationships with your customers the genuine way! [...]

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Findinging Your Niche, Identifying Your Ideal Client & Monetizing Your Blog For BEGINNERS!

  We start TODAY!!! More than 345 people people are joining me in our Inner Circle where I'm leading a beginner's course on how to start your business out right. Are you a "Beginning" Business owner or someone with a dream in your heart to build your own place online that can produce not only an income for you, but the kind of lifestyle you've been dreaming of? Do you feel like you're just starting out and have NO CLUE what your niche is, whether to sell a product or service, if you want to do physical products or maybe you just want to do digital information products? I can help! With my 15 year track record and having personally sold hundreds of thousands of physical products, digital products, services and more I want to GIVE [...]

By |Auto Responders, Blog, Classes, Coaching, Coaching, Email Marketing, List Building, Marketing Points, PPC, SEO, Social Media, Wordpress|Comments Off on Findinging Your Niche, Identifying Your Ideal Client & Monetizing Your Blog For BEGINNERS!