The Currency Of Connection

   The Currency Of Connection- Making More Money With Genuine Relationships By: Sandi Krakowski  Business has changed. Period. If you don't like it, believe it, understand it..... it doesn't really matter. It's changed. Gone are the days of building your big old Rolodex and building a network of trusted colleagues only goes so far. The real value of your company is now related to something far greater than your business connections. It's directly related to your relationship with your customers. In a recent issue of Entrepreneur Magazine the change taking place in business was highlighted by several authors. I highly recommend you read through this archived issue on the power of connection. Here's the bottom line for any and all business owners- CEO's of large companies should pay attention, small business owners should pay attention, [...]

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Who Should You Listen To When It Comes To Marketing, Branding & USP?

  Who Should You Listen To When It Comes To Marketing, Branding & USP? By: Sandi Krakowski   A heated discussion started this past week when I referred to an article published by Michael Masterson on Clayton Makepeace's website. Here's the article. Opinions began to soar, people began to interject long paragraphs on my Facebook page about why they thought (respectfully) that Michael was wrong and while they do many times love Clayton, but they thought he wasn't on target either. My first response was, "Who the heck are you?"... but I took the better approach in writing and asked for proof on their opinions. Few gave any. Now before I go any further please know that I respect and follow Michael Masterson and Clayton Makepeace very carefully. It has never been my position [...]

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Using Facebook To Increase Sales And Your List

Using Facebook To Increase Sales And Your List By: Sandi Krakowski I recently installed a plugin on my blog and was completely blown away at the results. Opt ins increased significantly, sales increased and the amount of new friend requests that came in on Facebook nearly tripled in less than a week. This plugin allows me to be exposed to be people all over Facebook that I might never have known existed. More importantly, it connects me to people that never even knew I existed..... or my blog. This plugin takes about 15 seconds to install and activate. It is easy to use, everyone enjoys using it and gets a psychological sense of fulfillment every time they do! What more could I ask for?  I have been asking myself that question over and over [...]

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Cooking Up Big Dough In Business

    Cooking Up Big Dough In Business   My first business wasn't planned in a boardroom, I wasn't mentored by a millionaire the first time around and I didn't have any business partners in which to confide in as things grew.  It was just me, a dream and many times guesswork.   Back in 1997 I didn't even know a thing called the "Dot Com" bust was taking place. We had three little guys I was homeschooling (well only one at that time, the other two were in diapers still)... and my husband's income wasn't matching my desire for a $ 900 kitchen mixer.   I learned how to bake bread from scratch from some ladies I had met online and while it was rewarding seeing my families eyes open wide when that [...]

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