Are you terrified of public speaking?

Are you terrified of public speaking??!! Have you dreamed of becoming a public speaker?    If you have a gift from God to be a public speaker, let me help you to realize what you WILL experience as you walk through the walls, fear & the voices that have hindered you for years:     You'll feel like you're going to throw up! Every time you think of speaking, even on a phone call with people, you'll feel nauseated, your mind might feel blocked and you might even feel a thickness in your throat.    You'll hear voices in your head and your heart that deny the calling of God on your life. That is for SURE a true sign you are called to this.    People will tell you things like, "Well just start small, [...]

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How To Build Culture Using Video Online

How To Build Culture Using Video Online With Jeremy Krakowski This week on A Real Change TV we have a special episode with our Head Media Director, Jeremy Krakowski. With a bird's eye view of how video has changed through the years, Jeremy has a lot to share with you on how you can use video through your social media channels, on your blog and more. Building a culture is the big goal of all of your marketing, not making sales. Because if you can build a culture that people love to be a part of, you will win the honor of not only their business but also their loyalty. Video helps us to relate with our clients on a whole new level. Listen in now as Jeremy shares some top strategies any business [...]

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How Pressing Into Heaven Built A Business

People ask me all the time how I 'got away with' adding all my faith based messages to my Facebook Marketing, Wordpress and PPC training. For some reason they seem to think that by doing so, I should have destroyed my business chances, rather than quadruple it in one year. Walking with God has been a part of my businesses for 18 years. To be honest with you, I don't know how to run a business apart from Him. So when I'd teach on how to use Wordpress and 'find your voice' the only natural way for me to do that is to be more of who God made me to be. When I teach how to find who God made you to be and bring all of that into your business, it's natural...... [...]

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Fresh Rain… it’s what keeps me going

I woke up this morning at my typical time, ready to work out with my personal trainer. 4:45 am the alarm went off and at 4:50 am I was in the kitchen pouring some fresh water, ready to hit the day. Once the coffee was made, and my second glass of water poured, I headed to my office to talk to God. Everyday is better when I talk to Him before I talk to anyone else. My spirit has been restless lately. Thousands of people we serve, hundreds of thousands. Coaching clients, consulting appointments to get to. Pressing in as I write my book. All good. Such a blessing. Never a burden. But my heart is restless for the only One who satisfies. I logged onto Facebook to see if I needed to delete [...]

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