The Powerful Reality Of Relationship On ROI

The Powerful Reality Of Relationship On ROI Our Inner Circle coaching program is growing like crazy! 257 new members in two weeks! On top of that we have had more than 27,000 NEW clients join us on our Facebook page in 30 days and more through our client base. With this enormous growth in such a short time questions start popping like popcorn and requests for help increase! "How to I get my virality to increase on my Facebook Page?" "Why do I get more clicks on this bid vs that bid?" "In my PPC ads why do you suggest this kind of ad over that?" All of these are great questions, but there's a missing key to many of them. Technical data and making people feel smart has fueled the realm of Facebook [...]

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The 5-Second Video Project!

  BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!    I hope you're having an amazing afternoon! Just a quick email to say I could really use your help with a big project we're doing here in our Excecutive Offices of A Real Change International, Inc.   We are going to release a project that I am convinced will impact MILLIONS of people but we need YOUR help to be able to do it right!   I need 100 people to create for me a 5 second video! Can you help?  Run to my Facebook page now for details:   See you there!  

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The Mountain Of Government & The 7 Mountain Assignment

The Mountain Of Government & The 7 Mountain Assignment  This is a mountain that a lot of people have opinions on. It is a mountain that needs a lot of help! We don't need a domination or a takeover- we need a massive shift! The governmental mountain is one that if you are called to it, you will need to master a few key things before you even start climbing. My friends, this is not something to take lightly. This is a call to authority and victory for ALL. So how can you help? Listen in today as I speak to you on one of the most controversial topics on the internet today. What can we, as those filled with hope from heaven, do on and for this mountain? Grab a pen and paper and let's take some good notes. This [...]

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Find Your Voice And Be Uniquely YOU!

Find Your Voice And Be Uniquely YOU! Good morning & Happy 4th of July to all my USA readers! Recently, as I have been coaching more than 720 people in our Inner Circle Coaching Program on Facebook Marketing, something BIG came up and I thought I would share it with you. It's the idea that there are 'specific, set, strategic' ways to do things (or so the gurus have been saying) on social media and if you don't DO these things THIS way you'll RUIN everything from edgerank to ROI to virality and more! My goodness, the pressure to do things RIGHT is so great that many business owners get intimidated by the whole concept from the get go! I was honored to be able to lead more than 20,000 people on our Facebook [...]

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