The Mountain Of Education & The 7 Mountain Assignment

Episode #64- The Mountain Of Education & The 7 Mountain Assignment  The educational system in our world needs a revival and a revolutionary movement. When I was making this weeks episode I was once again reminded that what we're doing isn't working. Children can't read. Adults can't speak. People feel locked in and unable to even dream! We need a real change! But where do we begin, as a society? How can you help and serve if you've been called to this mountain? In today's episode I'm going to address a very important question many entrepreneurs have. It is the thing that holds them back from the profit zone more than anything else. I'm also going to address some HARD TOPICS when it comes to learning, the brain and what we're being taught. Please don't watch this is [...]

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June 29, 2013 Word for today…..

I feel STRONGLY LED to tell you this: Don't despise the prophetic words people have spoken over you.   It doesn't matter if you can't see it, don't have all the answers, can't seem to figure all the pieces together and have no clue how to make this happen. A prophetic word is not something YOU have to make happen. It's something you believe, step into and have to keep speaking over yourself.   Never in a MILLION YEARS did I ever imagine my life would be where it is now, nor did I see how God could change hearts of people around me to not only support me but become my biggest encouragers. I felt alone many times and fought my way through some thick mire for many many years. But I kept [...]

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PPC Ads That Convert & Your CTR

  PPC Ads That Convert & Your CTR One of my most favorite ways to grow our list, build a big client base and impact the world is through PPC Pay Per Click Marketing. With today's online tools you can strategize exactly where you want your ad to be seen and put it in front of people who are perfectly targeted for what you offer. When I first came online in the 90's we could purchase ad space in a magazine to get in front of people who had the same interests. Or we could buy billboard space, do a post card mailing, hire a sales team to do prospecting, run a television ad, and more. I personally choose PPC as my main focus because I could start out small and grow my ad [...]

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The Mountain Of Family & The 7 Mountain Assignment

The Mountain Of Family & The 7 Mountain Assignment The Family Unit- Under Attack! Watch NOW!! Today's ARealChange.TV episode is going to make history. I'm talking about a topic that very few will ever even talk about in business, but it's something I must discuss with you. There is ATTACK on the family unit today. Never before in our history has there been such blurry lines when it comes to the family. In today's episode I want to bring some clarity to this confusion and it is my prayer that those of you who are called to this moutain, The Moutain Of Family, will rise up and take your place! Watch episode NOW!  

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