#Hashtags On Facebook, InstaGram, Twitter & Beyond! The NEW Search Tool!

#Hashtags On Facebook, InstaGram, Twitter & Beyond! The NEW Search Tool! They're live on Facebook! They're being spidered, crawled and control search traffic more than ever! So what on earth is a #hashtag and how do you use it? Well the #first #thing #you #don't #want #to #do #is #use #it #in #every #word #everytime #you #write #anything!  That is a major no-no and will turn your entire audience off! Kiss your hard work goodbye if you do that! BIG WARNING! Don't do it! Ok.. so now that we're passed that, let me give you a few simple tips on how to use hashtags. Top Hashtag Tips:  #1- - The hashtags you use on Faceook, InstaGram and Twitter used INSIDE of a sentence should flow naturally and be words you want to be connected to.  [...]

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Six Seconds With Sandi Training Videos!

Twitter Vine Tip! OK ok... so pay attention! Just now.. in 5 minutes... I got out my Twitter Vine App. I did 11 training videos on #marketing#facebookmarketing #ppc and more! Because Vine doesn't allow you to post to your FB page yet, I had them feed into my personal profile. THEN.... I went to my FB page and posted a few there and invited people over. I got 73 new followers in just 11 minutes! Try it!  Come find me on Vine! Or my Facebook page so you can get access there NOW!  :)  Sandi's FB Page- http://www.facebook.com/sandikrakowskibiz Twitter Vine- Accessable by App on your smartphone     

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Happy Anniversary Special !!!!

Happy Anniversary Special !!!! WOW! You've come a long way baby doesn't even come close to the transformation that Alan and I have had in our marriage, in our lives and on our journey with God! Tomorrow, June 20th, we will celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary! In honor of this amazing day we thought we'd do something WILD AND CRAZY! We're giving you a $50 off coupon on any item over $97 in our online store! (Excluding coaching programs and memberships) Do you need to learn about social media? Great! Use this coupon with our Best-Selling "Social Media Cash Conversion" class! Need to learn more about Wordpress? Use it on our WP II class that tens of thousands of people have used to get a swarm of traffic to their blog! Want your Facebook [...]

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As One We Can Change The World

  As One We Can Change The World My good friend, Lance Wallnau and I are preparing several things for you that will release in September of this year. Be on the lookout!  First of all, we're writing a book together, "Take All Seven- The Social Media Strategy".  We're also planning a big event where we're give away signed copies of this new book! If that wasn't enough, I'm excited to announce that I am going to be commissioned and ordained into the Apostolic for the role in Business that I have been called to. LOTS of exciting things coming your way! As we were talking recently, Lance and I came to the same conclusion that heaven is wide open right now to things that have been only talked about and prayed over for many many years. [...]

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