Please Stop Going Negative On Me!

PINK!!! I remember the day I decided to dye my hair pink. I just wanted to do something fun & alive. Never in a million yrs did I think it would become my brand & represent my message so well! You have no idea what God is up to with some of those fun dreams & wild things you're thinking about! 1 million people connect with us through our company A Real Change International, Inc. Almost 400k through social media in ONE YEAR!! Please - step out! Step up! Go change the world! Heads up!  I want to share something with you that may bring an answer for some of you. This generation likes "brief, small & bite sized". We see this in video, mobile, social media & more. Where blog posts 4 years [...]

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The Mountain Of Arts, Entertainment & Celebration And The 7 Mountain Assignment

The Mountain Of Arts, Entertainment & Celebration And The 7 Mountain Assignment Welcome back to this week's episode where we continue our study on The 7 Mountain Assignment. God is releasing people into assigned places to bring societal change and life to the world! Are you called to this mountain? Please be forewarned, in this episode I'll be speaking about topics that many people don't want to talk about. Things like human trafficking, sexuality and more. If these topics bother you, please don't watch. This is a VERY favorite mountain of mine and one that I will SHINE BRIGHTLY ON as God has called me to it!  Let's go together on this journey into The Mountain Of Arts, Entertainment & Celebration!    

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Crazy Conversion For Your Opt In Offer Secrets!

  Crazy Conversion For Your Opt In Offer Secrets! The other day I was teaching in one of my private coaching groups on how to get CRAZY ridiculous opt in numbers for their opt in offer and I began to think about ways to help all of you. There are so many teachings out there, to be honest with you, while they might be pretty, they are also SUPER confusing and SUPER technical. NONE of this helps an offer to convert and even though it might look all snazy and pretty..... when all is said and done a list stays small and there's no one to market to! My friends, 100% of all financial issues in a business CAN be solved if you have a targeted list of clients you can market to. Let [...]

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The Mountain Of Business & The 7 Mountain Assignment

The Mountain Of Business & The 7 Mountain Assignment The moutain of business is seeing abrupt change occur in our economy, in the way business is being done and through changes in demand from consumers. Today we are going to look at three keys that are critical to take into consideration if you are called to this mountain. The 7 Mountain Assignment gives us a clear vision for our lives and our future. The 7 Mountains and the assignment that God has for each of us, if we choose to take Him up on His plan, will create societal transformation and empowerment. This is not about dominion and take over. No way! It's about infiltrating with positive change, bringing all that has been lost back through restoration and in turn, impacting our entire world so that [...]

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