Why Facebook Is The “New Giant” In The Direct Response Marketing World

Why Facebook Is The "New Giant" In The Direct Response Marketing World Recent studies reveal that Facebook is the #1 advertising platform being used among social networks. It's no suprise that brands are spending their money on Facebook because of the ability that Facebook offers to highly target clients. We've built our Facebook page to over 145,000 people in under 14 months. Please take note:  We currently reach more than 3.5 MILLION people weekly with our page.  The first 100,000 people we serve grew in one year. The additional 45,000 in the last 10 weeks.   How is this beneficial to the small business owner? Years ago you would buy a magazine ad that targeted your ideal client. If you had enough money in your budget, you might also go for radio, flyers, direct mail and [...]

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The Mountain Of Media & The 7 Mountain Assignment

The Mountain Of Media & The 7 Mountain Assignment During the next 7 weeks I will be teaching on The 7 Mountain Assignment and what I believe is God's design to bring A Real Change to the world! Grab your pen and paper and be ready to learn as I give you detailed information on The Mountain Of Media. Are you positioned on this mountain? Here's a clue- do you own a smartphone and maybe even sleep with it? This could be a sign! Let's watch NOW!

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Freedom Culture: How A Business Was Born From A Dream

  Letter from the editor: This morning I'm starting a new 'feature column' where several times per month we'll be featuring people who are in the business world, creating a real change! Today I am so thrilled to introduce, "Freedom Culture". Enjoy! Sandi Krakowski           Freedom Culture- How A Business Was Born From A Dream We’ve all heard the saying that if you aim at nothing that’s exactly what you’ll get.  I like to have goals, dreams and a clear picture of where I am headed.  I make so many lists and think about it so much that it’s been great to sit down and force myself to concisely put together what all the lists and the dreaming looks like.  Sometimes I’m afraid to definitively put it down in case [...]

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From Home Office to Co-Working Office

From Home Office to Co-Working Office: How I Was Able To Get More Done By Working Around Other People Instead Of Working Alone At Home by Jeremy Krakowski Tell me if this scene sounds familiar: You sit down to do work in your home office, you look over and see there’s a pile of laundry that needs to be done. Then, you get up to make a cup of coffee, sit back down to get work done, but your phone rings and you end up in an hour long conversation with your best friend about “Duck Dynasty” and your plans for the weekend. Yay! 12pm rolls around, and it’s time to make lunch, so you eat lunch and change your laundry out. It’s a bit lonely in your home office so you decide to go [...]

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