The 7 Mountain Assignment And Your Key Role

The 7 Mountain Assignment And Your Key Role There will be no TV show episode today so that I can give you something God is burning in my heart. The last article I did on "Anointed For Business" has now become our most viewed and commented on article in the entire 4 years we've run A Real Change International, Inc. We've received more comments, emails and interaction on this topic than any I've ever taught on. Today, in a special Memorial Day Training article I'd like to share with you what I believe is The 7 Mountain Assignment and how God is moving swiftly to create one of the greatest Revolutionary Revivals to hit the earth in it's entire history. This is a revival that is unlike any other because it will take place where [...]

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Anointed For Business

Anointed For Business Facebook is an interesting place. It's one of my most favorite places to connect with our clients and friends. It's also a place where I get cursed, judged and criticized the most. Maybe it's the pink hair, the smiling face or who knows, it could be the tattoo. But before you write me a note and tell me how bad you feel for me, please know that it's a part of the calling on my life. You see, when I came to know where God had positioned me and was aware of where my assignment would be, there also came a heightened level of understanding of who doesn't want me there as well. It is my FIRM conviction that God has called many of us to a place of influence in the world. [...]

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Is Facebook Over? Millions Of People Exiting? What All Marketers Need To Know

Is Facebook Over? Millions Of People Exiting? What All Marketers Need To Know Have you heard the rumors and read all the blog posts popping up everywhere? Millions of people leaving Facebook has caused some to think that it could be the end of social media as we know it. Or is it? On today's episode I'm taking you into my Scientific Marketing Lab to reveal to you critical data all business owenrs must understand to succeed in today's economy. I'll also share with you one of the biggest direct response marketing discoveries found this year through the activity of Facebook users. Grab a pen and paper, take good notes! Every marketer serious about their business needs this information. Let's watch NOW!

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Lead Generation Made Easy For Small Business Owners

Lead Generation Made Easy For Small Business Owners One of the best foundations for writing copy that converts is owning a blog. This gives you more exposure in less time to thousands of clients, if you do it right. But one of the biggest things holding most people back is that they dont have enough clients or prospects to speak to. What can we do? "Lack Of Leads" disorder is an epidemic that more than one half of all the business owners I work with suffer from. Sadly, many don't know the antidote to this disease and will resort to all sorts of crafty measures, hoping they can sell enough products to at least show a profit each month. Some even give away their products 'hoping' somehow a miracle will occur and eventually they'll turn [...]

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