Information Publishing Made Simple

What if there was a way for anyone, anywhere, to supplement their current income (or to start an online business) by sharing their expertise and passion? Well there is. I'm living proof and so are my clients. I built my entire 17 year career around selling physical products and marketing services. It wasn't until 2008 that I tried my hand at marketing digital products and all I can say is WOW!!!! It changed everything for me, because the overhead was very small, the hours it required of staff was minimal and it could be done from anywhere in the entire world! In my first business back in the 1990's online, through marketing, selling and shipping millions of dollars in kitchenware, I learned how to run a business from scratch. Going into multiple eCommerce platforms, my expertise in PPC, web [...]

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A Poverty Mindset Will Destroy Your Dreams!

This is a personal message... from me to you. Please take time to hear my heart.   A POVERTY MINDSET holds so many people in prison! It makes me so sad!         The cycle of poverty starts when we're very young & we're programmed to say, "I can't afford that, it's too hard, that isn't something we can do, there's no way, we're not able to do that, we shouldn't do that or be like that" and more. It can come with things such as improving our life, losing weight, breaking an addiction, making more money, breaking out of gender stereotypes like we see with women, going beyond what our family has always done, being different than our neighbors or friends and more!  The TRUTH IS THIS: I was massively in debt [...]

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Information Publishing For Any Small Business

Learn How You Could Supplement Your Current Income Or Replace It Altogether Without Huge Overhead, Staff Or Inventory! I love creating products! As a matter of fact, in 2009 I discovered it was one of my BEST business skills, along with marketing. Since then I've personally created more than 50 products and generate millions of dollars from just the resale of eBooks, audios and videos. It's a WONDERFUL thing to be able to do from home, on your own time frame and without a big overhead budget. As a completely debt free company (which we are here at ARC) we can't stand big overhead costs anymore than the next guy! On May 13, 2013 at 7:00 am ET we are going to release the FIRST EVER A Real Change "Information Publishing" mentorship course and will be allowing an exclusive group of [...]

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Mom Working From Home Stops Working 80+ Hours Per Week And Increases Income!

[vc_video link="" align="center"] Mom Working From Home Stops Working 80+ Hours Per Week And Increases Income! (you can too!) I'll never forget that day as long as I live. She sat in the front row at our event in Dallas, TX April, 2012. Her eyes were glued on me. Her heart was wide open.... and she was taking notes like someone on a mission. "Who is this woman?" I thought several times in my heart..... "She is so focused, so ready for a change. I have to find out who she is. " Later that night, Rochelle Griffin enrolled on the spot, paying cash, into our Millionaire Mastermind.... and in the upcoming weeks I would have the honor of finding out not only WHO this woman was, but who she was designed to be [...]

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