Some of our favorite furry friends!

Loving Our Customers And Some Of Our Favorite Furry Friends! Recently, when our puppy Kobe Bear was diagnosed with Diabetes, we had more than 2000 comments on my FB page and on InstaGram praying for him and encouraging us. It was SUCH a blessing to be a part of something way bigger than business! Having so many friends is a real gift from God.  Your kind words helped us so much and Kobe is doing SO GOOD! We are forever grateful! ​ To show that gratitude we decided to hold an official, "A Real Change Cutest Pet Contest!"  The winners would be featured with their pet, a funny story and their website. Below, meet our top three winners!     Mandy B Anderson and Ajah B Website:   Funny story: When Ajah B. was [...]

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The Most Robust Search Tool For Keywords, Hashtags & Finding People Through Social Media

The Most Robust Search Tool For Keywords, Hashtags & Finding People Through Social Media Today I'm sharing how to find your ideal clients right where they are through social media.  This one tool revealed in this episode can connect you with people who not only need your products and services, but they are already talking about them through their posts on a daily basis! Keywords and hashtags are a bloggers best friend! When used correctly you'll create a SWARM of fresh targeted traffic. The search engines seek out good content that is being consumed on a daily basis by regular traffic. The more targeted traffic, the higher you go into the search engines and the more clients you get! It's a BEAUTIFUL thing! Watch episode #57 NOW and let's make your blog go viral, very [...]

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Email Marketing Secrets Made Easy -Creating Rapid Response To Your Opt-In

Email Marketing Secrets Made Easy -Creating Rapid Response To Your Opt-In By: Sandi Krakowski When building your website there is one component that should be in the upper right hand corner of your online real estate that you don't want to be without it. This one critical component increases credibility, helps build rapport and determines more than 50% of your long term results... It is your Opt-In box.   Just putting up an Opt-In form and adding words like, "Sign up for our latest news!" isn't going to work. No one wakes up in the morning with a strong desire to sign up for anything, let alone another newsletter.   The only reason that someone would give you their private information, their email address, is if you in turn give them something of value at [...]

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How I Got My Brain Back, Became Creative Like A Child Again And Increased My Productivity (and Bank Account) As A Result!

How I Got My Brain Back, Became Creative Like A Child Again And Increased My Productivity (and Bank Account) As A Result! Joining us this week is Head Media Director here at A Real Change International, Inc, Jeremy Krakowski. This is actually a video from our Private Inner Circle Coaching program where he taught a lesson that quite frankly IGNITED the entire group! We saw such a huge response to this training that we KNEW you all had to be a part of this! Grab a pen and paper and listen in as Jeremy shares, "How I Got My Brain Back, Became Creative Like A Child Again and Increased My Productivity (and Bank Account) As A Result" .   Watch this POWERFUL video NOW!  

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