Does Your System Work In Direct Sales, Sandi?

Does Your System Work In Direct Sales, Sandi? Does our system work for direct sales? WOW!!!                       Ask Rochelle Griffin - she got RID of her phone calls, constantly on the phone, talking by email, running around the country to do meetings & 90 hours per week. Went to 30 hours per week, working through social media. After 10 months her income went from $180k per year (90 hrs per week) to $400k per year (30 hrs per week) and she just PROMOTED to the next level in her company!   WOOOHOOOO!!!!!! GO ROCHELLE GO!!!    YOUR next step is below.   With love, Sandi Krakowski We encourage you to start with Sandi's FREE 30-Day Blogging course. This will give you an overview of WHY [...]

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Creating Jobs And Impacting Others Through Business

​Creating Jobs And Impacting Others Through Business By: Sandi Krakowski I'd like to challenge you today to look beyond your own situation and circumstances and seriously consider what you could do to change the lives of people who need a job. What if you began to think beyond your own desires and began to create into your business plan a map and a strategy so you could give others a chance for wealth too? Let's go beyond vacations, bigger cars ....and let's look at a BIGGER reason for creating wealth- creating jobs. When you have the power to create wealth you are also given the power to create jobs. But it will demand that you get beyond your own limitations so that others can get beyond theirs. Imagine adding $ 5000 per month to [...]

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Just For Fun Interview With Millionaire Facebook Marketer, Sandi Krakowski

​ Just For Fun Interview With Millionaire Facebook Marketer, Sandi Krakowski By Holly Prawat Sandi Krakowski, who was recently featured in Forbes as one of the Top 20 Women Social Media Influencers and in the Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers in the world, has been building million dollar businesses for almost 2 decades. I had the privilege of interviewing Sandi for a class project I was working on. I asked her questions about what she does, how she got to where she is now, and stories and advice she would like to share. The questions I asked were meant to give me a better understanding of the journey that Sandi underwent to get to where she is today. We sat down at her kitchen table and had a relaxed discussion about her life [...]

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Facebook Prediction For April 24, 2013 With Sandi Krakowski

[vc_video link="" align="center"]   Facebook Prediction For April 24, 2013 With Sandi Krakowski As many of you know my Facebook Predictions and Facebook Marketing Forecasts have come to pass for the last two years.  Everything from the usage of hashtags to the changes in Timeline for Business and more.  As a person who studies and analyzes Facebook and it's marketing trends like a mad scientist, I've made it my mission to bring to you tools, systems and strategies that work for both the small home business AND the bigger corporation. Today I was outside and had a real brainstom downloaded come to me that I want to share with you. I've been mentioning this in some of our private group coachings for the last few weeks, but today it really became plain to me [...]

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