Some Apps I’m Having Fun WIth

Some Apps I'm Having Fun WIth  I LOVE Apps! I'm an Appaholic! While I don't have a million apps on my phone (oh my word what a mess that would be!) I do enjoy new apps to play with and use in my business. Some of my favorite apps to use everyday are photo apps that can be used to create quotes and inspirational messages. I also enjoy apps that make taking photos easier! If you follow me on InstaGram you'll see that I LOVE to take photos! (Follow me now... let's have some fun!) Here are some of my latest favorite apps- Clapmera- This is the perfect app for when you want to show a cute outfit and there's no one in the room to take your picture! I mean seriously... don't you hate [...]

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Featured in Forbes magazine For Facebook Marketing Expertise!

Featured in Forbes magazine For Facebook Marketing Expertise! Facebook Marketing is one of the best ways I know of to market your business and find your ideal client to serve. In the "Circle Of Life For Business TM" that we teach with your blog, email, Facebook and Twitter marketing, our primary focus is in serving. With over 1 billion people active daily on Facebook, why wouldn't we want to be there to serve people? Recently Forbes magazine contacted me because I'm in the running as one of the TOP Social Media Influencers for 2013 in the world. What an honor it has been! Haydn Shaughnessy contacted me and interviewed me on how we've been able to grow our Facebook business page from 10,000 to 100,000 in just one year! Here's the article! Feel free [...]

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Updated Suggested WordPress Plugin List

Updated Suggested Wordpress Plugin List   Here is an updated plugin list for all of our clients taking our Wordpress I and Wordpress II classes. We'd love to hear from you! If you found a great plugin for business that you've been using, please post in the comments below and we'll be happy to review! With love, Sandi Krakowski Add From Server – Allows you to import media and files into the Wordpress uploads manager from the Webservers file. By:Dion Hulse Akismet – Check comments again spam and other robots you don't want polluting your website. By:Automattic Broken Link Checker - Checks your blog for broken links and missing images and notifies you on the dashboard if any are found. By: Janis Elsts Contact Form 7 - Perfect for your Contact Us page and [...]

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How Are You Spending Your Time?

  How Are You Spending Your Time? By: Sandi Krakowski     The singing iPhone woke me up at 4:00 am today. I love to have music programmed as my alarm clock.     Most days I awake between 4:30 - 5:00 am. Today the day was going to be full, with very few moments for pause. So the choice was made to grab a few 'extra' moments to think early in the day. I've heard it said a long time ago that the way you spend the first 2 hours of your day will influence the rest of your day. Well, by 7:30 am I already felt far more stressed than I was comfortable with. So, as I do on a daily, hourly basis - I made a choice for joy and not stress. [...]

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