INTRODUCING: The SOHO “Small Office Home Office” Social Media Apprenticeship

INTRODUCING: The SOHO "Small Office Home Office" Social Media Apprenticeship A NEW & Highly Effective Way Of Social Media Community Building For Small Office And Home Office Professionals During my 17 years of building businesses online there are a few things that I've MASTERED that has caused me to be noticed by international influences.   Coming February 28th, 2013 I am opening our doors here at A Real Change International, Inc for the VERY FIRST 6 Month Mentorship we've ever done with ONE SINGLE FOCUS on Social Media.   My top students will be joining me as we lead an Elite Group Of Students on a path to MASTERY. Watch for the announcement tomorrow as we release this TIME SENSITIVE information! There are limited spots open and you do NOT want to miss this [...]

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Positional Leadership Vs Persuasive Leadership

Positional Leadership Vs Persuasive Leadership  Have you ever been lead by a leader that cares? Sadly, it's not that common. Leading with love, while not common, works. As a matter of fact it works so powerfully that when we walked away from the 'old school modeling' that I had learned from various direct sales trainers, coaches and even big internet marketing gurus and decided to lead my team and our company as God had designed it to be, we quadrupled our company and our profits.   Positional leadership uses it's position to prove it is called to lead. It doesn't use love, it uses earned position. We see this in big companies like the Big Three and even in ministries where the top pastor might be dictating rather than shepherding the flock. While leadership [...]

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Loving Your Customers In A Social Media World

  Loving Our Customers In A Social Media World To bring good will and good fortune together in business makes sense. It’s how the old merchants ran their businesses and it’s how community was built in small town settings. So what can a small or large company do to show they ‘love’ their customers in today’s social media driven culture? Here are three tips that will show you care, increase engagement and make your brand strong –  Take Time To Listen- When we’re running a growing online business it’s very easy to get stuck in the rush of activities, appointments and other things we have to manage. If we’re not careful, we could be doing a phone call, answering an email or even talking on social media with only half an ear open.  Just [...]

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Gratitude, Thank You Cards And Job Security In Any Business

  I have a secret to tell. Funny, no one has ever asked me to give a keynote presentation on this but WOW would it create a huge ripple effect on the profits of any company if they did! This secret has been shared at times in our private coaching groups. I share it with EVERY single one of my VIP clients, because it's a key to long term millionaire and beyond growth.  It's something the Amish rarely forget but the CEO's on the Inc 500 rarely do! It's the glue! It's the remedy! And it's what makes all the difference in any business, with any product, of any size. My friends.... print this out. Study it. Set a reminder in your iPhone or other smart phone to remind yourself of this. This is [...]

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