How To Engage With InstaGram, Facebook & Twitter Followers As Your Business Is Growing

How To Engage With InstaGram, Facebook & Twitter Followers As Your Business Is Growing Your business is growing! WOOHOO! People are talking back, your followers keep multiplying and now you are wondering how to manage it all! In today's episode listen as I share three critical keys I use daily in our business serving more than 230,000 people on our social media pages. I speak to people LIVE every single day and it's not exhausting or causing me to lose money. As a matter of fact..... These action steps will not only save you time, but will also increase your profits by making sure you are focused on the right activities, every single day! Watch Episode #46 of ARealChange.TV NOW!

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How To Become A Millionaire, Change The World, Give Away More Money Than Most Make & Live The Life Of Your Dreams

How To Become A Millionaire, Change The World, Give Away More Money Than Most Make & Live The Life Of Your Dreams Far too many people in our world are trying really hard to do two things that are very wrong and won't change the world, let alone create the life of wealth and freedom they desire. These two things are: Becoming really good at a lot of things or becoming really good at something they suck at. Ok, I'm sorry if that last statement and word choice bothers you, but love me enough to keep reading. The only way to really become powerful is to get really masterful at one thing. Power is what will give you leverage to help those who cannot help themselves. It will get you into places you could never [...]

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Why You Should Blog About What You Love

Why You Should Blog About What You Love Think about it. If you don't blog about what you love, what will you blog about and how long can you continue blogging about it without losing your mind? Doing work you love is one of your greatest ambitions in the world of blogging and running your own business. So why, I ask again, would you blog about things you don't love? Maybe this is why you do it... Because you want the highest SEO. Hmmm, that's an interesting answer and I bet some of you said that. But imagine this? If you blog about what you love and you use words people commonly use in the realm of what you love and you build an entire business around this thing you go crazy for.... wouldn't [...]

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Never Outsource Your Voice!

Never Outsource Your Voice! By: Sandi Krakowski "Hi, I'm so and so and I'm the Editor and Publisher of So and So online business. It's great to talk to you today!" The screen had text across it on a flash video. There were no faces, just words. Not too uncommon in this age of video marketing.... but that voice. "What?!" that was my first thought. Having been a subscriber of this so and so online publication for quite some time I was standing there shocked at what I was seeing. The voice was not the person it was claiming to be. As a matter of fact that voice was used in more than a half a dozen places through another company I had been very familiar with. Puzzled, I sat there trying to grasp [...]

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