Using InstaGram For Business

[vc_video link="" align="center"] Using InstaGram For Business Pictures speak a thousand words! In today's episode I am going to give you some quick tips on: How to get 10-25 NEW followers per day on Instagram How to follow the right people and most importantly How to use #HASHTAGS so that your ideal clients can find you! This lesson is a little different because there is no way to teach this without screen sharing. So grab your pen and paper, get in front of your computer and watch as I share these action steps live, from my own laptop and InstaGram panel. Let's go! With love, Sandi Krakowski P.S.  When you're done with this, be sure to follow me on InstaGram and look for the FREE "10 Days To Growing Your Business On InstaGram" training [...]

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PR: Content marketing and social media expert, Sandi Krakowski, visits Dallas, TX for one day training focused on client growth and retention

PR: Social Media Marketing Expert Discusses Financial And Wealth Principles Business Owners Can Use Instantly To Connect With Their Ideal Clients Content marketing and social media expert, Sandi Krakowski, visits Dallas, TX for one day training focused on client growth and retention Sandi Krakowski, Creating A Real Change In Business Social Media is the fastest growing tool in a mobile media driven culture that no business owner can ignore! (PRWEB) February 08, 2013 Debt and unemployment are currently permeating our country and small business owners are striving to make ends meet. Now is the time to regain hope and go back to basics in communication, relationships and good old fashioned customer service. Saturday with Sandi, April 6th, 2013 in Dallas, Texas, will be a very critical event where business owners, pastors, stay at home [...]

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Article Bio Do’s & Dont’s For Higher Conversions, More Traffic And Google Page Rank

Article Bio Do's & Dont's For Higher Conversions, More Traffic And Google Page Rank By: Sandi Krakowski Guest blogging is a great way to "spread your reach" and gain influence with groups of people you might not otherwise be connected with. It's also a WONDERFUL way to grow your list! There are specific steps you'll want to take when guest blogging to attract new clients. Creating a long term connection with the audience you have the honor to serve can be beautifully bridged with guest blogging. Bio Creation For More Traffic Here are some simple steps to writing a great bio and getting the best results from your guest blogging efforts: Headlines Hold The Weight - If they don't get past the headline, they won't read the content. HOOK ME quickly so I can't [...]

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9 more days and the price goes up!

  9 more days and the price goes up! Please don't make this mistake..... delaying your purchase to this amazing event on April 6, 2013 and then having to pay DOUBLE the price!   Get your $47 seat purchased NOW!   Do you have a BIG plan and vision in your heart but you just haven't quite figured out how to turn it into a business? Come learn how to - Identify your specific gift, talent and ability Turn it into a profitable business online Market yourself through social media in a way that ANYONE can do it   Get ready for the time of your life! God is moving through business, families and social media in a way that has NEVER before been recorded in history! You've got 9 DAYS to decide! Then the [...]

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