Product Review: Irish Twins Soap Company

Product Review: Irish Twins Soap Company One of my most favorite things to do when I owned our kitchenware stores back in the 90's was to do product reviews.  Recently I got the idea that we could impact more than 100,000 companies who have created their own products with a review. Today's review will not only give a great business lesson but it will also show you critical factors in getting your product and company out to the marketplace! When these soaps arrived I was VERY excited because I've used slow-pressed old fashioned soaps exclusively for a long time. With sensitive skin and a strong conviction against chemicals, it was a nice treat to be a able to sample these products. Scents: The scents are marvelous! Not overpowering or harsh. They also aren't just [...]

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What the rich and the banks do …. but will never tell you!

What the rich and the banks do .... but will never tell you! I'm so excited to share with you a recent interview I did on Dallas, TX airwaves! What a blessing it was to work with Tuttle Talk and deliver this message... "What It Takes To Succeed In Business!" Listen in'll find it at the top of my Facebook Page! Comment on my page what you think! With love, Sandi Krakowski  

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Get Back Up And Fight!

Episode #43- Get Back Up And Fight! Today's video comes to you from the training room! We're talking about how to become a powerful warrior when it comes to your business. Being a weak entrepreneur who is hoping they can someday make it will NOT WORK!  Let's put on our 'gloves' and get into the ring.. NOW! This message will give you strength for the entire week! Grab a pen and paper and let's GO!

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So Politically Incorrect It Causes A Real Change

So Politically Incorrect It Creates A Real Change! By: Sandi Krakowski Our world needs heroes. We need people who believe in the ability of the human spirit to soar. We need people who will say what they mean and mean what they say. Who will hold fast to their conviction long enough to create a change. Where are the William Wallaces of our generation that will cry FREEDOM for a generation that cannot speak for itself? Where are the William Wilberforces who refuse to accept slavery as normal behavior and the trafficking of human lives as acceptable? The dream and mission in my heart is to see the repairing of many broken paths restored. And let me just warn you, it isn't politically correct. I believe that one of the best things that could [...]

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