Are you losing your life to a BIG business? Exhausted and burnt out?

    I am on a hunt for the exhausted business owner who built a 6 or 7 figure business and has lost their life. Is that you? In our VIP program here at A Real Change International, Inc it's my honor to be able to partner with PJ McClure to work with some of the most successful clients we currently have. Jimmy Hays Nelson who had a 78% increase in his income last year! But get this, he did so by cutting his hours back! If that wasn't enough- he brought his wife home from Corporate America and rose to the top in his company. As one of the superstars on a DVD Fitness program called "Insanity"  he coaches people around the world on how to create a new life and financial future for themselves. Oh. I [...]

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ARealChange.TV Episode #42- How To Use Video To Increase Traffic In All Channels Of Your Business

Episode #42- How To Use Video To Increase Traffic In All Channels Of Your Business 2013 IS the year of video! Last October in Orlando, FL I taught a sold-out crowd that the mobile marketing platform was where your business HAS to go if you want to stay afloat! Social media is driving the way and more than 70% of ALL users are connecting with a mobile device. VIDEO is the #1 thing they're watching. Connecting on Twitter, Facebook and watching VIDEOS of any kind has now taken over what most families used to do in the evening watching television! OUT with the old, in with the new! In today's episode I am going to share with you how to use a 3-Minute video to create more traffic to your website, get more opt [...]

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We are the #7 BUSINESS PAGE on all of Facebook!

  We are the #7 BUSINESS PAGE on all of Facebook!  We've taken a lot of heat here at A Real Change International, Inc. People telling me to "REMOVE GOD, who do you think you are?!" People saying we'd "Never be successful if we didn't stop talking about God" and more.... We've had threats (yes! very dangerous threats!) against us... competitors seeking to stop us, lying about us... people who even attempted to steal my identity on Facebook last week! (Facebook has it documented!)  And then this.... I am dancing! I am celebrating! I am honored! Humbled and completely FREAKED OUT!! Because JESUS IS LORD we are the 7th MOST TALKED ABOUT PAGE on Facebook today in the Business Person category!! We are the 7th FASTEST growing talked about page TODAY! 66th TOP PAGES [...]

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Join me in Dallas, TX!! Get ready for the time of your life! God is moving through business, families and social media in a way that has NEVER before been recorded in history!

  People ask all the time, "Did you make your millions teaching people? I mean seriously... where is the proof?" and I am SO GLAD they do! Yes, there are some people who unfortunately are teaching others how to create wealth who have NEVER created wealth the good ole fashioned way... selling a product or service to do so.  My first business 17 years ago was a kitchenware company that grew to $30k in my first year and  over $4.5 million in sales by our second year and completely revolutionized how certain mixers are sold online forever. We also grew 2 vitamin stores, where over 1000 brands were sold (much like an offline health food store) simultaneously and those both grew to over $5million in our first 2 years.  My career then took me [...]

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