How To Write A Blog Post With A Title That Gets Read And Converts

How To Write A Blog Post With A Title That Gets Read And Converts   Which came first, the traffic to your blog or the connection with your audience? It's not a tricky question and before you spend a long time trying to defend your answer, watch on today's A Real Change TV episode as I share HOW to write a blog post title that not only GRABS people's attention, but it also compels them to read your content. Content marketing is only as good as it's consumption! If no one is consuming your content and your website has a ton of traffic that is just 'swiping through', which means there one second, gone the next, you WILL NOT sell your stuff! Let me show you how to write great content, create connection, compel long term engagement and build [...]

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Primal Man and Modern Professionals…. The Same?

Primal Man and Modern Professionals…. The Same? by Jeremy Krakowski   Let me take you on a journey in my proverbial Delorean time machine with myself, McFly and Doc and go see some of our ancient counterparts. We meet a man, his name is Jahn and he lived in a time before modern agriculture, before you could just go to the grocery store or the market and buy whatever it is that you wanted to eat. He lived in a world that God created in it's original setting.. Meet Jahn, our hunter-gatherer from ancient times. What did he do for a living? Simple. He as a hunter gatherer who would go out into the woods to hunt for his family on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, constantly working to find food to survive. His family was [...]

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How Do You Get More Than 1 BILLION People To Engage, Talk & Daily Check In?

How Do You Get More Than 1 BILLION People To Engage, Talk & Daily Check In? The INCREDIBLE things we can learn from Facebook! People ask me ALL the time how to build a following on social media as we have and even more than just building, they ask me how to manage it all. Face it, having more than 190,000 people in less than 9 months come into your circle of influence isn't all a bed of roses! HA! But it is a field of BLESSING. As I glanced this morning at the feed on my Facebook page, I saw the above taking place. It was Facebook, the platform that attracts more than 1 BILLION people daily. People not only engage on Facebook, they share their heart, tell you what they're eating, why [...]

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Audacious FAITH In Business

  [vc_video link="" align="center"] Audacious FAITH In Business We have been inspired by many people in the last 3 years. And each one carried a message for us, so that we could receive it, believe it & have it become a part of who we are, so that we could fulfill the call that God has given us in business. Many don't realize how serious we take this call that God has given us. You see, once you've kissed the face of death, been told you have an illness and you might not make it, have been beaten up in an alley and didn't die, raped by violent men and didn't stay shattered... something rises up inside of you that crush it as you may, it can't be silenced. That was me and that [...]

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