She Said YES! Raising our children for success in all areas of life….

She Said YES! Raising our children for success in all areas of life....  When Justin met Holly, after just a few weeks of knowing her I told him, "I approve of this message!" Watching them grow together in their friendship, encouraging each other in their walk with God and their commitment to be strong leaders has inspired me to be more in my own life.   Yesterday I watched an incredible event take place that was planned in less than just a few hours....  As you'll see in tomorrow's ARealChange.TV episode, we have a friend and client visiting this weekend. John is not only a Ruby client but a good friend of our family. He has been an encouragement to our children and has grown tremendously in his business. We'll be talking tomorrow about [...]

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ARealChange.TV Episode-The Power Of ONE Tweet Could Change Your Life!

The POWER Of One Tweet Could Change Your Life!  Today I'm doing an interview with a Ruby client, John Hays, who also is a personal friend of our family. You might recognize his name as he was the AMAZING photographer at Justin and Holly's engagement!  Have you ever wondered if Twitter was really worth your time and effort? I mean why do we need two social media platforms anyways? During the last 3 years unanimously, some of the biggest connections in our companies history have been through Twitter. It was through Twitter that we met John! We met PJ McClure, who is now one of our full time coaches, through Twitter. We connected with Dave Ramsey and EntreLeadership through Twitter! I met Chalene Johnson through Twitter... my goodness, the list goes on! Listen in as [...]

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  "The Champions Creed"   I take full responsibility for my rising & for my falling. I don't beat myself up nor do I beat up others. When I make decisions I live with the results & don't play a victim. With the power that is within me I seek above all things wisdom & discernment. I fly high & sometimes I crash but the total race is the goal, not just one episode. I know when to push & I know when to pull back. I give it my all & I love others even when they don't. I am a Champion! My strongest words are I did great & I'll do better next time.   Step UP! BE more! BE the Champion our world needs today!   With love, Sandi Krakowski    

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“The BIG Difference Between Umbilical Cord Leadership And Leading By Strengths And Instincts”

  “The BIG Difference Between Umbilical Cord Leadership And Leading By Strengths And Instincts” By: Sandi Krakowski The year is almost over!!! HOW did that happen?! Have you ever done that? Looked at your calendar and thought to yourself, “How on earth did we get to the new year this fast? I mean I just put away the summer furniture...”  Maybe your next thought is the realization that the bikinis and suntan lotion where actually put away months ago... and you had no idea how fast the months were speeding by. In today’s  Newsletter we’re going to talk about leadership. The good side of leadership... and what I’ll call, the ‘dark side’ that really should stay on some other planet with Darth Vader. Unfortunately, it is showing up more than we may have ever [...]

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