REJECT NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS- Instead make a commitment once and for all to create the kind of life you deserve!   Christmas is gone... and before we know it, the new year will be upon us. Listen, I've got my coaches hat on and your future is my focus. What have you planned and mapped out for 2013?  Join the most successful Inner Circle Mastermind group on the internet today! This IS the BEST way to stay on track and is open to ANYONE who is serious about building a bigger business and a better life in 2013. The Inner Circle Coaching Program currently has 375+ active members who not only support each other , engage daily in a private Facebook group but they have come together with a common goal to do whatever it takes [...]


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Thank you so much for the honor of serving you this year! It has been an incredible joy and something every single member here at the ARC family looks forward to every single day! Today, we're taking a day off from our TV Show production and enjoying our families! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We'll be back in 2013 with MORE powerful marketing strategies you can use instantly in your business to attract more clients, make more money and grow the kind of life AND business you deserve! With love, Alan and Sandi Krakowski The A Real Change Crew - Jeremy, Justin, Bobby, Kelly, Tiffany, Golda, Kathy, Sandra, Shanshera, PJ, Jaime, Terrance, Holly, Jon & Hannah

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When Heaven Invades Your Business…..

  Introducing.... "The Divine Call Of God On Business And The Key Role You Can Play" MP3 & Workbook Set!   Don't worry, this isn't some esoteric woo-woo information that asks you to spin in a chair and chant so you can grow your income.  Sheesh... I'm so SICK of that stuff.. are you? I will say this.... that if you want to go farther than you've EVER done before in business, you are going to have to play differently. YOU need some supernatural help on top of your natural. That's the bottom line... And it is my personal conviction that GOD is opening up heaven over businesses like never before...  Earlier this year, April 2012, we had an event that sold out in less than 3 weeks and proved to be the most [...]

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Poverty In The Mind Of A Business Owner

Poverty In The Mind Of A Business Owner By: Sandi Krakowski   You wouldn't think that most business owners online struggle with a lack mindset, but many do. It is evident in workaholism, poor decision making and even lack-minded management. As a 'budding entrepreneur' it's critical that you understand this plague and protect yourself from it.   What does poverty look like in a company and more specifically in the life of a business owner and how can you stay clear of this horrific condition?   To be impoverished and live in lack according to Webster's Dictionary is:   The state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions.   Scarcity goes one step further:     The quality or state of being scarce; especially:  want of provisions [...]

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