How To Write Effective Copy For A Non-Profit Organization, Charity, Fund Raiser Or Other Organizations That Need People To Give So They Can Survive

 "How To Write Effective Copy For A Non-Profit Organization, Charity, Fund Raiser Or Other Organizations That Need People To Give So They Can Survive"  By: Sandi Krakowski Can I get really personal with you today? I know, I know.. you're probably thinking to yourself by now, "Ummm, Sandi, when are you NOT open and personal?"  :)  Good... now that we have that settled, you know me, I pray I know you.... let's touch on a topic that most people either don't want to talk about or have no clue how to answer.    Writing for non-profits. Getting more donations for a charitable organization. Some people fear this more than public speaking! And no small wonder....   Drives me BONKERS when people write emails and letters and postcards BEGGGGGGGGGGGGGING people or repeatedly asking people for [...]

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Facebook Promoted Posts & Facebook Ads- Inner Circle Training For Free!

  It doesn't happen very often so pay attention!   This doesn't happen very often and when it does.... we don't do it again for a LONG TIME!   People make an investment to  be a part of the Inner Circle program and well, to honor that investment, we guard this content with our lives! (and our SWAT security team!) Just kidding... kinda..   This month I'm teaching how to use Facebook Ads & Facebook Promoted Posts to make alot of money with a Black Friday promotion. And when I got done with today's video.... all I could think of was, "Oh my gosh... there are more than 10,000 people who need to see this!"   Well, our client base reaches nearly 1 MILLION people... so this won't be in the public for general [...]

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How To Make More Money With Facebook- Promoted Posts & Offers

Episode #33- A Real Change TV- How To Make More Money With Facebook- Promoted Posts & Offers Today we are continuing in our training on "How To Make More Money With Facebook!"  Last week's episode has already brought in more than 60 testimonials of people getting 200+ or more people added to their Facebook Page because of our training AND they are making money! So what are you doing with Facebook Promoted Posts and Offers in your business? If you are doing NOTHING... all I can say is your competitor is happy!  It's time for you to become a strategist when it comes to making money with Facebook.  I'm sharing with you secrets that have made us personally more than $4.5 million dollars through social media alone! What are you waiting for?!  Let's get [...]

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TED called last night…when social media collides

TED Called Last Night..... when social media collides It was a normal day in the office for a Friday. Payroll, doing ACHs, reviewing marketing sheets, in house meetings with staff and teams, reviewing data from social media, email, blog, Facebook Ads, PPC and more. Holly, my Social Media Manager & PR Rockstar, and I were having a great day making some plans for upcoming growth to our Facebook Community that is now more than 56,000+ strong! We reviewed together our community as well on Twitter, that was at 65,000.  There was a lot of excitement in the air as we came up with some ideas on how we could serve people in a better way, help them make more money, get more clients and live their dream life. Then Holly saw it... "Sandi, ummmmm, [...]

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