The Five People Showing Up In Your Business

The Five People Showing Up In Your Business By: Sandi Krakowski In a day when ezines, free training, coaching programs, self-help courses and more run rampant on the internet, what is one to do who is really serious about building their business? During the last 16 years of building businesses I’ve discovered a secret that I wish I knew years ago. The top 5 people I listen to the most are showing up in my life. When you look at your inbox today, for email, who is influencing you? Face it, no one can read 47 ezines and newsletters. It’s not an exaggeration that in the information age, far too many people are subscribed to three times that amount. A recipe for confusion, discouragement and procrastination is when you have so much information coming [...]

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PPC Ads Helping Business Owners Make More Money Quickly!

  PPC Ads Helping Business Owners Make More Money Quickly!  "I got 192 new "likes" on my Facebook page between Sunday evening and Tuesday afternoon with an investment of $90.  I just lowered my daily allowance to $5/day, so it will slow down now, but DANG!  That was fast!!" Julie B "My FB page was fairly new so I started out with only 41 likes. At the time of this email, I am 24 hours into the placing my first ad, and I now have 72 likes. So 31 new subscribers. I should also point out that during this first 24 hours I have only been targeting about 38,000 people, which is a far cry from the 1.5 million you recommended. I knew the niche I chose was highly targeted though so I wanted to give it [...]

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A Real Change TV- Episode #32: Facebook Ads That Convert

Episode # 32- Facebook Ads That Convert There has never been a better time to market your business on Facebook! We have hundreds of testimonies of people getting RIDICULOUS results with Pay Per Click ads on Facebook who have never written them before. "We started with 426 fans in December 2011. After implementing everything you've taught us, it only took 10 months to get to 10,000 – no big deal. How cool is that? So much gratitude for everything you've done for us, thank you so much. How does it get any better than this?!" Steve & Jordan On today's episode I'm sharing three strategies for writing, activating and profiting from your Facebook ads quickly! And don't worry if your budget is small, this will work for anyone!   "I just wanted to let you know that after following [...]

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Prosperity Vs Poverty- You are responsible for the life you live!

Prosperity Vs Poverty- You are responsible for the life you live! Welcome.... sit down in my "Miracle Chair" .. and here is a THREE HOUR MP3 gift I am giving to you! From my heart to yours! Listen in and "spy" as Mindset Maven PJ McClure & I coach our private clients on the topic of  PROSPERITY vs POVERTY.  More than 30,00 people have already heard this call. Share it.. enjoy it... I love you all!    I pray above ALL THINGS that you prosper & be in good health, even as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2      Here is the recording for the call "Prosperity Vs Poverty"  CLICK HERE to listen to the recording      

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