How To Build The Right Business- Follow Your Passion

How To Build The Right Business What if your business isn’t really your passion- then what? Every week PJ and I have the honor of leading clients in our "Your Best Business Coaching Program". These classes have been enormously beneficial to our students. Results pour in everyday! Charlotte closed 67 coaching clients in her first product launch! Angela has become the top recruiter in her company for the third month in a row! Gina has more public relations opportunities opening up than ever before! Peggy has her own TV show   Steve made it to 6-Figures! Tiffany paid cash for a car! Jimmy increased his income 78%   Melissa added 890 people to her Facebook page and made $ 3400 profit!   Kayla had a $4500 month on just 12 hours per week! ....... [...]

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Black Friday Marketing Secrets For Social Media

I hope you're having an amazing morning and doing your part to impact the lives of others through all the tools we have available to us online. With social media, email and a blog there is never an excuse for not having people to connect with, talk to and share our products and services with. Just wanted to put you on notice of what we're doing this month in Inner Circle! Things are kicking up a notch! BLACK FRIDAY SALES & Yearly Marketing Secrets - November 2012 in Inner Circle With Sandi Krakowski & PJ McClure! Every year when I teach my Black Friday secrets people who have NEVER made money before start making money! The eBooks that weren't selling, start SELLING! The weight loss kits that weren't going anywhere, start flying off the [...]

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A New Economy Online: Content Marketing & Customer Relationships

A New Economy Online: Content Marketing & Customer Relationships By: Sandi Krakowski   “Just build a huge list of followers on Facebook and you’ll be all set!” “Get as many followers as you can on Twitter and you’ll be rich!” “Build rapport with as many people as possible and then sell to them anything you want!” Have you heard some of these statements from some of the ‘over-night’ wonders out there? You know, the guru who started 7 months ago, made a million dollars and now talks about all the millionaires and billionaires they are meeting with daily? Makes me upset... that "Momma Bear" thing in me rises. First of all, anyone who made a million dollars super fast and has never done it before is most likely going to burn through it faster [...]

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A Real Change. TV- Innovation For This Generation: How to build a big business online!

    Innovation For This Generation: How to build a big business online! We are heading into my "Scientific Marketing Lab" today where I'm reviewing a company I just learned about. I will be looking at their marketing plan that is not only innovative but extremely creative as well! Grab your pen and paper, we're talking about and the impact a blow dryer and blow outs had on a small business! I'm also sharing why this is so innovative in today's culture of quick, fast and easy! Listen in as I'll teach you how to look at the way things were done 30, 40 or even 50 years ago. You'll hear how you can innovate and create something unique for today's market! I hope you enjoy today's episode! Let's get started NOW!!  With love, Sandi Krakowski   P.S. Check [...]

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