What you can expect at the upcoming Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit in Orlando, FL

What you can expect at the upcoming Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit in Orlando, FL In just 22 days we'll be gathered together  at THE FIRST EVER Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit! This event will create a shift in many businesses personally, and mark my words, it will SHIFT how business is done online in a huge way! We are expecting a large crowd which includes a group of company executives who have a multi billion dollar brand! So, what can you expect from me at this event? For starters, I want to give the layout of the land for you. What is happening right now in the social media culture, why are some people who have held the space for many years no longer dominating and how is the MOBILE culture causing such [...]

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When do I hire staff and how do I train a freelancer? Your questions!

When do I hire staff and how do I train a freelancer? Your questions!   By: Sandi Krakowski  This question came in on my Facebook page last week. I thought it would help all of you for me to answer! "Sandi, I have a question that really bothers me and I hope you can give me (and others) a good answer. The business is growing nicely thank God and I hired help - with logistics, answering emails, etc. The only thing is, there are times when there's hardly anything to do, and there are times when there is so much work I can use 2 helpers.How do I help my business grow, keep my worker working in quiet times, and manage all the traffic in hectic times? I considered hiring freelancers every once in a while but I don't want to [...]

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PR: Social Media Marketing Expert Reveals Old-Fashioned Value-Based Sales Strategies That Profit In A Mobile Culture

PR: Social Media Marketing Expert Reveals Old-Fashioned Value-Based Sales Strategies That Profit In A Mobile Culture Social media marketing and business coach, Sandi Krakowski, is holding an exclusive event in Orlando, Florida, October 6th and 7th revealing her mobile marketing strategies to a nearly sold-out crowd. September 11, 2012—Brick and mortar businesses along with traditionally run online websites are under fierce attack from one key opponent, the mobile market. With nearly half of smartphone users making purchases online using shopping apps, it’s a critical time period for all business owners to understand how to communicate, connect and sell through a mobile device. The Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit, October 6th and 7th, 2012 in Orlando, Florida, will be a pivotal date for many small businesses as they gather with a nearly sold-out crowd to [...]

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ARealChange.TV Episode #24- Marketing Your Winning Business Plan

  Episode #24- Marketing Your Winning Business Plan  Last week we walked through creating a winning business plan. Today I'm sharing multiple strategies and secrets that you can use to instantly gain deeper reach and get great results for your business. One tip I'm sharing reveals how our clients have made millions of dollars in the last year! Pay very close attention. Are you confused by where to start, what to do first and what would be revelant specifically for your business online? This will give you the answer. Grab a pen and paper and let's get started NOW!

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