The A Real Change App & The A Real Change Podcast Are LIVE in Apple’s iTunes store!

Oh my GOODNESS I am so excited to talk to you today  The A Real Change APP is now LIVE in Apple's iTunes store! And it's free! Find all that we are doing in one central hub of connection!  IF that wasn't enough the A Real Change PODCAST is also live in the Apple store! You can receive free weekly podcasts to take with you anywhere!  Woohoo!!!! The A Real Change App - get it now!    The A Real Change Podcast  And it gets even better..... My team here at A Real Change International, Inc just sent me updates on our event this October and it got me MORE excited than ever!! Our event planner has everything coming together to make this an event you'll never forget! My Video and Audio team are [...]

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Building A Freelance Service Business To Six-Figures

  Building A Freelance Service Business To Six-Figures By Sandi Krakowski When you first start out in business one of the first things you'll have to decide is what you will market. Will it be products or service based? Many of our newsletter articles are directed towards product based sales. You can also create your own info products and build a business around marketing these. There is another great way to build a business and bring in a profit. Many people are succeeding everyday through a service based company.  A few choices for new business owners would include: Graphics Design Web Design  Website Management Website Setup Social Media Profile Graphics Social Media Profile Setup Social Media Marketing Management Email Writing Newsletter Creation- Templates and Layout Auto Responder Writing Copywriter Editor Virtual Assistant All of these [...]

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ARealChange.TV Episode #22- Continuity Programs & Memberships

ARealChange.TV Episode #22- Continuity Programs & Memberships      WOW what a week it has been! If you've been connected to me on my Facebook and Twitter pages (which I sure hope you are, if you're not you're really missing out on the amazing like-minded relationships you could be making with more than 90,000 people who are making  A Real Change in their life and their business).... You may have noticed that I was on bedrest for a full 10 days! Oh my GOODNESS! What did I learn from this? To NOT get around people who have the flu for crying out loud, especially when you're already dealing with Ulcerative Colitis and Chrohns disease! I'm happy to tell you that I have a team of experts, MDs who know how to think outside the [...]

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73% Do At Least Half Of Their Shopping Online

73% Do At Least Half Of Their Shopping Online I recently came across this amazing site called Lab42. They do AMAZING Market Research and infographics. You'll want to check them out! But the most amazing thing I saw today was this bit of information about shopping and shipping-  73% of people do at least half of their shopping online 45% said they buy things online that they wouldn't have bought in person 87% said they are more likely to shop online if there are free returns 96% said they are more likely to shop online if there is free shipping! (For full article on Lab42 click here - These guys are amazing!

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