The Secret Power of Gratitude for Business Today- How a simple “thank you” can increase your revenue

  The Secret Power of Gratitude for Business Today How a simple “thank you” can increase your revenue By Lori Saitz Introduction from Sandi- Today's guest writer is someone who is a very active part of the A Real Change family that I'm very honored for you to meet. Lori Saitz has been running our "Hospitality Division" with our high-level coaching clients (Sapphire, Ruby, Diamond, VIP & Millionaire Mastermind) since 2010. She is the 'hidden force' behind monthly gifts to our clients, thank you's and other acts of random kindness that are a big part of our business model!  I'm excited to let you know that I'll be interviewing Lori LIVE at The Social Media Smartphone GPS in October and she'll be there to meet you all in person! WOOHOO!  Grab a pen and [...]

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Smartphone Shopping Changes More Than Just The Online Marketing World!

Smartphone Shopping Changes More Than Just The Online Marketing World! The world of shopping as we know it is changing! In my 15 years of working online with everything from eCommerce stores to Marketing Firms to Copywriting and more... I've NEVER seen such a dramatic shift in how business is done outside of the eCommerce boom! Do you remember when the fascination began of being able to shop online? The days of Overture as the best search engine of it's time and Netscape was the browser of choice! Stores that customarily did all of their business in malls and face to face were now offering their items through something called an eCommerce Platform. It was fascinating! But that wasn't the biggest news..... small Mom and Pop shops began to break in on the scene. [...]

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ARealChange. TV Episode #21- Mobile Marketing & The App Driven Culture

ARealChange. TV Episode #21- Mobile Marketing & The App Driven Culture It's happening! More shoppers are using Apps to shop! More families are turning to the iPad for education, travel, movies, social media and more! So what can we learn as direct response marketers online from this fast- growing culture change? Are there strategic steps to take that will help us grow our business? Today's episode of ARealChange.TV is actually an ENTIRE Inner Circle lesson I'm giving to you, as my gift. In this lesson I'm talking about where our FOCUS should be in a mobile marketing culture and why it's so important to not lose our focus.  Grab a pen and paper and let's get started!! PLEASE NOTE: This is a FULL - LENGTH 10 Minute lesson that has critical information. Please don't [...]

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The Numbers In Your Business

The Numbers In Your Business Working my way through application after application, as I sat on my porch listening to the birds early in the morning, I had tears on several occasions. Now before you think it’s because I’m a woman and I’m emotional let me just challenge you that when you peer into the lives and hearts of so many people you receive a gift that few will ever experience. I began to think back on my years in business..... The last 15 years of working online connecting with people all over the world. Years that demanded I prospect by phone the old fashioned way. Years that required client care all be done by phone, because that is what people wanted the most. Then the move towards email and all the communications coming through [...]

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